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6 Great Things About Living In A Big City

6 Great Things About Living In A Big City

6 Great Things About Living In A Big City

When we talk about big cities, the first thing that comes to mind is tall buildings, bright lights and all the hustle and bustle that comes with it.
It does sound exciting, isn’t it?
So let me make it more exciting and tell you 6 great things about living in a big city.

1. Job Opportunities

Nothing has changed, for so many years now people from smaller towns, cities or villages have been moving to bigger cities for better job opportunities and for better pay. With so many multinationals having their head offices in big cities it has opened many job opportunity. Also now the work ethic in bigger cities has also evolved and is a lot more modern with most of the companies having a work from home option making the regular 9 to 5 routine outdated.

2. Entertainment

You will never get bored living in a big city, there is always something of your interest happening around. If you love musicals you will always find a theatre showcasing your favorite show, modern cafes to hang out in, huge malls with all the brands you love, food festivals, sporting centers, live concerts, etc. No matter what you feel like doing you will always find something to entertain you in a big city. Big cities usually never sleep so if you are in for a fun night out you will find pubs/clubs with some of your favorite DJs playing.


3. Medical Care

The best thing about living in a big city is being able to avail the best healthcare in time of emergencies. Due to lack of medical facilities in smaller cities or towns, a lot of people have to travel to bigger cities for their treatments. Most of the big cities have excellent well-equipped hospitals with some of the best doctors available for treatment.

4. Public  Transportation

Ease of public transportation is so important especially for the elderly and those who do not own private vehicles. Hiring a cab may not be feasible for everyone especially if traveling long distances as it can be really expensive compared to the cost of public transportation. In most of the big cities, public transportation is so good that people avoid the hassle of driving in traffic and looking for parking spaces. The bus, train and underground network are so well connected making the commute much more pleasurable. I have also been in public buses that are air-conditioned which is a blessing during summer.

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5. Diversity

Since big cities are a beacon of hope for most aspiring people, you will always find people from diverse cultures and backgrounds and thus enhancing globalization in bigger cities. Globalization enhances people to change their attitude and mindset and are more welcoming to people of other communities. Diversity also helps communities to live in unity and harmony and promote innovation, technology, and economy. As the saying goes there is “Unity in Diversity” in most of the big cities.

6. Food

Have you ever experienced the joy of seeing your favorite cuisine just a takeaway away? In most of the big cities, you will find a restaurant for every type of cuisine and you are also likely to find even some of the most exotic cuisines from other countries. There are food festivals being organized by different communities throughout the year. Most of the big cities also have some top-notch restaurants owned by Michelin star chefs and other famous personalities.

I am sure this has got you thinking about moving to a big city, isn’t it? It is definitely worth giving it a try and I am pretty sure you will not regret it. For those who have taken this leap, tell us about your experience.

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