Categories: Do It Yourself

10 Graduation Cap Ideas That Are Super Funny And Creative

Graduation is an exciting time, but with the uniform often feeling so boring and well, uniform, the ceremony can feel a little impersonal. Here are 10 graduation caps ideas that are super funny and creative to help you reflect on your time at university and put a personal stamp on your graduation outfit!

1) ‘Game of Loans’

Student Loans are such a big aspect of University life, as they linger on long after you leave and are  something that all graduates hate to think about. This cap takes a cheeky dig at the system.

2) ‘Thousands of Tears Later’

We sail through University life riding the storm, experiencing major highs and lows – whether it’s frequently choosing to party over working on an essay and then frantically writing it while panicking the night before the deadline, or accidentally revising the wrong topic for that all-important test and freaking out in the exam hall. This cap is a funny way to summarise all those years of Uni struggles and emotions!

3) ‘She Doesn’t Even Go Here… Anymore’

This is a nostalgic way to wave goodbye to University and bring humour to the emotion of leaving an institution and people that you have studied alongside for years. Using the original Mean Girls font and pink background is a great way of keeping it light-hearted and fun.

4) ‘Already Forgotten Everything’

Many graduates will relate to going through three or more years of university and realising how little they actually remember of those years of lectures on the day of graduation. This is a super sassy way of calling out this experience! Adding a forgetful icon like Dori will not only add a splash of rich royal blue colour to a black hat, but also add to the humour and universal appeal.

5) ‘I Want to Be Were the People Are – Employed!’

This is a great quote that immediately gets the original lyrics rolling off your tongue, and when it comes to Disney songs, this can only be a good thing! Behind the humour, this phrase carries a very real message – it is an inspiring quote that’ll motivate you and your graduating peers to remember what graduation is truly about and focus on planning for the future!

6) ‘Can I Take a Nap Now?’

A sprinkle of metallic gold or silver is a great contrast to the boring black of a graduation cap. Simply couple it with a funny phrase like this and you have a winner! If you’re a grad, you’ll know how tiring University can be and how sleep deprived you often are – particularly during final year – so this phrase is perfect for graduation!

See Also

7) ‘I Am %100 Certain That I am %0 Sure of What I’m Going to Do.’

This is a humorous reflection of how so many graduates feel on graduation day. It can be easy to panic about your future plans (or lack of them!) when you talk to so many classmates who seem to have their dream job waiting for them after graduation, so this cap is a funny way to show yourself and your peers that you are taking your time to decide on what to do in life. No pressure!

8) ‘I Wined a Lot But I Did It!’

This is a witty way not only of looking back on your time at college with fondness – from nights out, to wining and dining on dates, to literally wining – while giving yourself a metaphorical pat on the back for making it to graduation!

9) ‘I Finally Got the ‘D’!’

This is so perfect for those graduates who have a naughty sense of humour and want to showcase this side of their personality along with their achievement. With the addition of the bright red and gold, your cap is sure to stand out! This one speaks for itself!

I hope this list of 10 graduation cap ideas has got you thinking about how you would like to dress up your graduation cap. Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Featured Image Source:
Surura Patel

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