10 Graduation Cap Decorations That You’re Going To Want To Try

Though decorating your graduation cap isn’t a tradition in the UK (as far as I’m aware), it’s a popular one within the US, particularly in public schools. And what better time to get creative and show your fellow peers how you really feel about moving on to the next stage of your life?

Without further ado, here are some of my favorite ideas for graduation cap decorations that you could use, or at least appreciate, this year:

1. Game Of Thrones 

With the new and final season fast approaching this is an extremely appropriate theme – and sentiment. It’s all a juggling act, but we will get there! Hopefully without having to fight for our lives…


2. Hamilton

‘…and the worlds gonna know your name! What’s your name, man?’ I may be British, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t be obsessed with this musical, and I am! I love this quote, but the musical boats some 20 odd songs full of material, so why not also try: ‘I Am Not Throwing Away My Shot’ or ‘There’s A Million Things I Haven’t Done, But Just You Wait…’.


3. Mean Girls 

Will this movie ever get old? I think not. There are many ways to channel mean girls when thinking about your graduation cap decoration, below is one example! Other images have featured the Arianna Grande ‘Thank You Next’ quote in the Mean Girls style also, taking inspiration from the singer’s music video.


4. Harry Potter 

I’m not sure I know one person who won’t recognise this quote. Bring a little magic into your graduation, and express your gratitude to be moving on to the next phase of your life, with this decoration idea! Another option might be:  ‘Because My Hogwarts Letter Never Came’ – Let’s be honest, we all feel this pain.


5. The Emperor’s New Groove

This quote is probably a technique we’ve all tried to employ in our essays over the years, how appropriate to have it feature on your special day. The end of a’ trying to make up the word count’ era… or so you tell yourself. (Shush, we won’t snitch).


6.  The Little Mermaid 

Don’t we all? This movie was my childhood, and I think that I wanted a mermaid tail just as much as she wanted to have legs honestly… But now? Our dreams are totally aligned. Is there a more appropriate hope to have when you graduate? Maybe for your student loan to magically disappear…

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7. Friends 

A throwback of the best kind. This graduation cap decoration idea makes me as sad as it does happy to see. It’s the end of an era, gather your friends and celebrate the only way you know how to, with style!

8. Guardians Of The Galaxy 

This idea is just cute AF. Fan’s of Guardians Of The Galaxy one and two will appreciate this image and meaning behind it: as you prepare to graduate you are both returned to a state of innocence and naivety, entering into a new phase of life, and are also set to begin the growth that that new phase will bring, really starting the process of adulthood.


9. Wonder Woman 

This decoration idea really speaks for itself. You made it! And your strength will send you through to the next stage of your life swinging.


10. Deadpool 

The ‘say it as it is’ character is a good one to channel when entering into the real world, though perhaps  ‘maximum effort’ better sums up your educational experience up till now? Whichever quote you pick, this decoration idea is bound to get some laughs – maybe an eye roll or two also.

Which of these graduation cap decoration ideas did you like best? Let us know in the comments below!

Featured Image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/PeXBfEI9_GY?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText