Girls Masturbate: Why Woman Shouldn’t Be Ashamed

Girls masturbate, and women should not be ashamed about it. Find out why female masturbation is both healthy and empowering.

My friends were shocked when I told them I was writing this article. For some reason there is such a stigma around the fact that girls masturbate. The act itself, but also talking about it. This is despite the fact it is seen as a perfectly acceptable habit for men. But I want to put an end to this and encourage girls to masturbate and to also share their experiences with their friends. For too long women have been silenced and taught to repress their sexual urges. But female masturbation is perfectly healthy and that is why below I have given a list of reasons why women shouldn’t be ashamed.

1.It is empowering.

Women have been raised to think that their sexual satisfaction is determined solely by men. However, often women do not climax during intercourse and they can have a much stronger orgasm through self-stimulation. When girls masturbate, it allows women to reclaim power over their bodies and to reduce their dependency of men- both of which are truly liberating.

2.It leads to better sex.

Masturbation allows females to explore their own body and discover what arouses them which is highly rewarding not only for themselves, but also for their partner. When it comes to getting intimate with a partner, girls who masturbate will exude confidence and be able to communicate their needs and desires. This means girls can have a more intense orgasm and orgasm faster during sex. Men will also be aroused by girls taking control and being dominant in the bedroom, leading them to orgasm quicker and stronger too. Why not try masturbating next to your partner during foreplay? You both won’t be complaining trust me!

3.It relieves stress.

Masturbation has many benefits, relieving stress being top of the list. It helps ease tension in the body where your brain is only required to concentrate on one thing and the accompanying rush of dopamine when women orgasm, is proven to decrease stress, increase relaxation, and improve your mood. Why would you be ashamed about something that is this good for you? Masturbation also exhausts the body which allows you to fall asleep quicker and to achieve a calmer state of mind.

4.It is more common than you think.

I have found since being more open about my own masturbation habits, my friends have been more willing to admit to masturbating themselves. Don’t be ashamed to masturbate because just like men, women have sexual needs too and more women do it than you would think. It might feel weird or uncomfortable the first few times but persevere and listen to your body so as to develop a deeper connection with yourself.

5.It leads to higher self-esteem.

Women who masturbate are more confident. Being able to masturbate and achieve orgasm by yourself makes you feel sexy. It is logical then that if you physically feel good, you can mentally feel good too – which will also show on the outside. Self-love is the ultimate key to happiness. Try it.

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6.It is a form of exercise.

Who knew exercise could be so fun? The Women’s Health Network has observed that extended masturbation sessions can help strengthen your pelvic floor which in turn helps prepare women for a number of things such as birthing preparation and incontinence-prevention. See, there really is no need to feel like you are committing a crime by masturbating!

7.It’s safe.

There is no risk of pregnancy or of transmitting a sexual infection when females masturbate. So with literally no harm attached to female masturbation, why should women feel ashamed? They shouldn’t. Period.

8.It feels amazing.

There is not much more I can add to this point. No explanation is needed. Try it for yourself and trust me you won’t be complaining.

Do you have any more reasons why the fact that girls masturbate shouldn’t be a stigma? If so, write them in the comment section below.

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