
10 Gifs That Accurately Show How Every Girl Feels On Her Period

We all know we all go a little psycho when we’re on our period because well our uterus’ are shredding up so what can we say, that’s bound to make us want to kill anything in sight. But it’s more than just that, we get hungry, we get sad, we get crazy happy too for some weird reason. Here are 10 gifs that shows our feelings so accurately:

1 PMSing

PMSing and being sad are completely different, sad is like a 3 out of 10 and PMSing is like a 11 out of 10 on the sad scale. You know your period is so close when all you can do is lie on your bed crying because the cramps are getting so bad and the emotions are flooding in.

2 But also being completely emotionless

After all the crying, it’s almost like something in you changes and suddenly you don’t feel a thing. You kind of resemble Elena Gilbert from the vampire diaries when she turned her emotion switch off and burnt her own house down, yes it can get that bad.

3 Of course that only lasts until we crave chocolate

Who would’ve known that chocolate is an actual emotion but it’s all we want to eat (and occasionally ice cream) on the first day of our period. Maybe it’s the endorphins which improve our mood, but we go crazy for chocolate like it’s a period drug.

4 Food in general is a must

All we seem to do when we’re on our period is eat LOADS! We might even end up eating something whilst thinking about the next ten things we’re going to eat. No amount of food is ever enough food, all we want is crisps, chips, burgers, ice cream and well everything.

5 And for some reason we’re always crying

We love watching romance movies and sometimes watching The Notebook one too many times makes us cry our eyes out and we don’t even know why. This is a cliche we can’t avoid as hard as we try to, we’re always in our feels when we’re on our period.

6 oh and don’t even let a hot guy come within a mile of us

Our hormones are all over the place and for some reason our baby box makes us go crazy when we see a hot guy. We’re even worse when we see a hot guy on TV like Chris Hemsworth or Shawn Mendes, this gif is so accurate.

7 Don’t let that fool you though, we can be psycho too

This might be one of the worst feelings we have when we are on our period, we literally go psycho. We feel like killing anything that moves and if anyone pisses us off we end up planning their murder in our heads 100 times over.

See Also

8 But also the anger is so real

We tend to get so angry at little things that actually aren’t that bad. It’s not unusual to blow things out of proportion and get so angry at everyone whenever we’re on our period or sometimes even the day’s leading up.

9 It’s not all bad, sometimes we can be crazy happy

It’s unusual to feel happy but sometimes our period isn’t so bad and goes in the opposite direction, we actually feel really happy about everything. It might actually get us in such a great mood that no one even knows we’re on our period.


This one is all too real, we can feel the cramps for days, not only the cramps though, it’s the back pain, headaches and well sometimes our whole body that betrays us. All we want to do is crawl up into a ball on our beds with a hot water bottle and maybe a hot chocolate and not leave our houses for a month. And considering this is the worst, here are three gifts that show the pain so accurately.

What do you think are some GIFs that describe period pain? Let us know in the comments!
Featured Image Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/beautiful-blonde-downstairs-facial-expression-171322/
Sameena Bangee

Instagram: sammmm.x.o

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