First dates can be super fun, and part of what makes them so fun is how you feel on a first date – happy, excited, even a little nervous. Thanks to modern technology, all these feelings can be summed up in just a few animated pictures. Here’s 10 gifs that accurately describe what you’re feeling on a first date.
Your hair is done, your makeup is flawless, your favourite tunes are on and you’ve even done your nails…You’re looking fresh to death and ready for the perfect date!
This is when the nerves tend to hit, as you start wondering- what if he’s a serial killer? What if he kidnaps me? What if he hates dogs?! Okay, calm down, it’s only a date and you;ve got your best mate on speed dial, just in case.
This is the most nerve-wracking time – what if he doesn’t turn up at all and you’re left in the restaurant looking like a fool! Maybe you shouldn’t have come at all…
Never mind, omg, that’s them and w-o-w they look so good. Oh, look, they’re coming over and they look even better than ever. How could you have even thought about leaving?!
What’s that? Your favourite TV is my favourite TV show? You too read the same obscure childrens’ books as I did when you were younger? Your ultimate goal in life is to move to the country and adopt a load of dogs? Colour me smitten.
Lets be real, the only thing better than a cutie to go on a date with is the food. No doubt your hungry (beauty takes time and is hard work, okay), so tuck in and prepare to take your date to the next level.
Okay, you may not be the best at giving flirty, I-like-you signals they can pick up on, but hopefully you are putting down something they can pick up? Maybe you should tone it down a bit…
Result! They totally picked up on your flirty vibes and are reciprocating them – great! This date is going so well, you kind don’t want to leave.
SWOON! The perfect end to the perfect first date. Your heart’s aflutter, you have butterflies, and you just know you’ll think about this the whole way home.
Whether it’s three days, a day or ven an hour after your date, getting that ‘I want to see you again; tect is just the cherry on top of a great first date. Now you get to look forward to (hopefully) many more dates.
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