10 GIFs That Accurately Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At Anglia Ruskin University

So I’m only a first year at Anglia Ruskin but I feel like I have been there long enough to know what it’s like to be a student there, and I know my friends will agree. These are some of the best GIFs that describe life as a student at Anglia Ruskin University.

1. When you tell your family you go to Uni in Cambridge but have to disappoint them by saying it’s not THE University of Cambridge.

2. When you’re on a night out and the ARU students bump into the UoC students.


3. When lecturers ask what you want to do when you graduate.

4. When you go to the seminar but didn’t do the reading and have to pretend you know whats going on.

5. When the canteen food is one of your main motivations to go to your lectures.

6. When you realise how many assignments you have to do.


See Also

7. But still continue to go out out instead of starting them.

8. When you get some sudden motivation to start your assignments.

9. But read the essay questions and have a breakdown.

10. So end up out every night of the week again.


Featured photo source: tumblr.com and bdp.com
Tyla Brine

"Essex born girl living in Cambridge! Wanting to share my sarcasm with the world, just plodding through uni life and hoping to one day nail a career I love in the Media Industry!"

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