Uni Life

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Being A Student At University Of Aberdeen

University Of Aberdeen gives its students an interesting experience. All uni students go through the same things and many memes and videos can be found to prove that. However, studying at the University of Aberdeen allows you to experience things only fellow students will understand.

1. Free pizza?! Yes, please!

This is quite possibly the best news anyone can hear. Unfortunately, this happens mostly during fresher’s week, but the food you get can last you longer than you think. This year Domino’s and Pizza Hut were competing so intensely, that me and my friends ended up with several vouchers for free large pizzas. But that’s not it. Many companies were giving free samples or even full products, so at the end of the day, students were left out with a bag full of snacks for the next month.

2. Walking on campus was never this magical

Every Harry Potter geek will agree with me on this one – the main buildings of the University of Aberdeen look like Hogwarts! When I first saw pictures t I was truly amazed and it made me even more certain that this is the place I want to spend my next four years in! If you don’t believe me, see for yourselves:

3. When you’re too broke to party, but you remember you have the AAA card

It allows you to enter certain clubs for free before midnight and that is a big life saver. So big you will most likely forget that drinks and taxies are not included, but who cares, right?

4. Taking a bus from Hillhead to Union Street feels like a war you always lose

Everyone wants the free entrance to clubs on Union Street so we all get on the same bus… At least we try. Probably the saddest view when you were so close to get on that freaking thing, but the driver shakes his head and closes the door.

5. Trying to find a place to sit in the Infohub

If you’re hungry and in between classes why not go the first floor of the Infohub? It has some many places you can buy lunch from, there’s even ice cream if you fancy some desert… And no available seats, cause everything is taken! Good luck in you’re in a group and want to find a table, no chance.

6. Loving nature was never this hard

Even thought that seagulls are such beautiful creatures and their squawking always brings back  beautiful memories from the seaside. Not anymore. If their eyes could kill you… but they can’t, so they steal your food instead and there is no point in fighting.

See Also

7. The idea of the beach is lovely until go there

It’s absolutely beautiful and definitely worth going there, but if there is any wind whatsoever it is going to be nothing by dreadful. You’ll get extremely cold in five seconds, your hair will get all tangled and you won’t hear anything with all the loud noise.

8. When you realise you have enough points on your YOYO card to buy food with it

Every time you buy something on campus and scan the card you get points and stamps, that with time can allow you to get free coffee or even burgers from the Works! You still need to spend a lot of money to get those free goodies, but free is free, right?

9.Cinamon  rolls from The Sir Duncan Library are heaven on earth

If you get them once, you’ll crave them for the rest of your life. They are the best damn thing you can buy, and besides, calories consumed wile in the library don’t count, cause at least you’re trying to be productive.

10. Realising you need to learn how to cross the street all over again.

This goes out to all international fellas, who after coming here have to learn how to not get killed all over again. Not only the left side is now the more important one, crossing the streets here in Aberdeen is way too confusing. Sometimes you need to pay attention to the panel next to you, sometimes the light across the street will turn green and sometimes there is that weird sound that more often than not makes you jump.

Do you agree or maybe there is something missing from that list? What GIFs describe your experience at University Of Aberdeen? Comment below!
Featured Image Source: https://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/fp/news/local/uni-archives-reveal-rules-of-student-life-in-1600s/
Julita Stefaniak

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