10 Friends Gifs That Accurately Describe Sharing A Flat With Someone

If you share a flat with a pal, you’ll probably know that it’s a truly interesting experience, full of highs and lows. And what better way to sum up the highs and lows of flatsharing than with some classic Friends gifs? Without further ado, here are 10 Friends gifs that accurately describe sharing a flat with someone!

1. When your flatmate tells you to get rid of the leftover pizza that’s been sitting in the fridge for 2 weeks…

Uh, it’s called being financially cautious! Although yeah, you probably should bin that pizza. It’s starting to acquire an extra green topping. But it was so good…

2. When you get shouted at for rehearsing your debut album in the shower…

If you can’t sing in the shower, when can you? I mean, it might be 2am, but so what? The fans are waiting.

3. When you finally find time for a night in together…

One of my favourite Friends gifs of all time. Possibly the best thing about sharing accommodation with someone is all the quality time you get to spend together. When you’re not super busy working or doing other things, that is. There really is nothing quite like a few drinks and a gossip session with your flatmate!

4. When they forget their key for the hundredth time…

The hundredth time today, that is. You’ve been up and down the stairs to let them in more times than you can remember. They really should set a reminder or something…

5. When you both want to use the kitchen at the same time…

One of the most relatable Friends gifs out there. Kitchen overcrowding is a legit problem when it comes to flatsharing, especially if you aren’t blessed with a super spacious home. As is accidentally using your flatmate’s pots and pans when yours aren’t clean…

How on earth are you going to make your world-famous stir-fry if there’s no space to cut vegetables?

6. When you hear them come home with someone late at night…

They tried to be quiet, but you definitely heard two voices in the hallway. Clear as day. Was it that Tinder date from two weeks ago? Or maybe it was that guy they met at the bar the other day? All will be revealed tomorrow…

7. When you argue about who’s turn it is to buy toilet roll…

Definitely their turn. Or is it your turn?

I don’t know why, but toilet roll buying in a shared flat is a tricky business, with no logical solution. Either one person ends up buying it all, or you’re left with absolutely none.

See Also

8. When they use your cupboard space without asking…

Is there any greater betrayal than opening your assigned cupboard only to find your flatmate’s food littering the shelves? Where on earth are you going to put your 6 tins of baked beans now?

In their cupboard, obviously.

9. When they slam their door at 7am on a Sunday morning…

Not sure if door… or earthquake. While it may be the most irritating thing in the world to be woken up early by the sound of a slamming door, you have to admit, you’ve done the same thing on countless occasions.

10. When you realise that despite all the disagreements, you’re actually super appreciative of your flatmate…

The bond between you and your flatmate is hard to come by and difficult to forget. Let’s face it, it would be pretty boring living on your own, and you’d have no one to swap funny stories with. Treasure your flatmate, and the two of you will remain great pals forever.

Which of these Friends gifs do you relate to most when it comes to sharing a flat with someone? Let us know in the comments below!

Featured Image Source: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/496662665147851804/
Emma Bradley

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