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8 Female YouTubers To Watch Who Are Just Hilarious

8 Female YouTubers To Watch Who Are Just Hilarious

You're welcome in advance for introducing you to these amazing YouTubers. They'll soon be some of your favourites, and here's exactly why!

Some of the most successful YouTubers have been creating content for over a decade now but there is always space for new talent. It’s not about numbers now anyway, more and more people are finding influencers who they can relate to who create genuine content that isn’t overloaded with ads and is instead fully catered to their identity and audience. Here are some of the funniest and cutest female YouTubers rocking the world of content creation right now. Don’t be surprised if you stumble across your next binge-worthy subject…

1) Jamie Genevieve

She’s Scottish and just hilarious. It’s currently the lead up to her wedding so expect to see some crazy wedding planning and party vlogs soon. Jamie is not only a funny Chika but is massively talented at doing makeup so if a chatty get ready with me is up your street, she will be too.

2) Rachel Leary

Now, this girl is the first member of a new iconic trio of YouTubers I’m introducing you to today. She’s got a major talent for doing accents and a personal favourite of mine is her inner Geordie. There isn’t a video she makes that won’t have you laughing in stitches. She really is too good sometimes. She’ll also answer your questions about absolutely anything and her thoughts are just hilarious!


3) Hannah Renée

Second in the trio is the stunning Mancunian beauty, Hannah Renée, who is also one of the most genuine and lovely YouTubersyou’ll ever watch. You’ll notice a popular theme here that all of these women are pretty skilled in the makeup department but it’s iconic, sweet-as-honey personalities like Hannah’s that set them apart from the rest.

4) Madison Sarah

To conclude the trio is Madison Sarah (middle, see picture below) who is the cutest little bundle of joy walking around hot to trot in designer gear and some of our favourite fashion brands such as Missguided and Pretty Little Thing. Those three together bring out the best in each other and their video collaborations before a night out are just something else! A must-watch for sure. Who thinks these YouTubers could even make a joint channel too?!

5) Patricia Bright

Darling, she’s an icon. Really, Patricia Bright is legendary. She recently brought out a book which unleashes all of her girl boss and businesswoman wisdom. However, one of the best things about the content she makes is the Patricia vocabulary. “Nipples to the wind”, “shining, shining” are just a couple of her most iconic catchphrases.

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6) Lucy Wood

She’s the best of the YouTubers from the Wirral with one of the most relatable personalities in all of the internet lands. Her popular ‘Size 14’ fashion series is a great watch if you’re also part of that ‘in-betweeny size’ gang. She tries on all those clothes we’d love to look good in but fear that we won’t so that we can try before we buy without even having to open our purses. All hail queen Lucy.

7) Jordan Lipscombe

It’s often you’ll see her in a different wig per video, but rest assured her funny personality never changes. Jordan is one of the most experimental YouTubers when it comes to fashion and style and she just so happens to pull off pretty much every look. How? Well, it’s probably to do with that fact that she quite literally could be a Victoria’s Secret angel. Check out her content, she’s super cool.


8) Melanie Murphy

Finally, we have the beautiful, Irish Melanie Murphy who is one of those YouTubers who is just honest. To put it plain and simple, she’s incredibly open and loves talking about taboo topics and encouraging her audience to speak up too. She delivers some of the most heart-warming content in the funniest of ways. We love her.

Which of these YouTubers’ videos will you be checking out? Share your favourites with your friends!

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