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10 Fear Of Commitment Signs To Look For In A Partner

10 Fear Of Commitment Signs To Look For In A Partner

These are the biggest fear of commitment signs to look for in someone you're dating. Whether that person be a boyfriend, finance, or just a guy you're interested in - here's how to know they're scared.

Commitment to a partner requires trust, care, and a lot of effort. And that’s vital for a long-term relationship. However, not everybody is looking for commitment. And no, it’s not just a millennial thing to not be into monogamous relationships. Many of us go through different phases, and sometimes we lose hope that relationships will actually work in the end. This fear of commitment can be draining for you and your partner but also ruin the excitement of your relationship. Here are some fear of commitment signs suggesting that your partner may have a fear of commitment or have sarmassophobia or philophobia. Or both.

1. They Have Had Short Relationships In The Past

If none of your partner’s relationships haven’t lasted more than a few months, that’s a sign that they may be commitment-phobic.

2. They Avoid Talking About Long-Term Plans

Making future plans is essential for the longevity of any relationship. But if your partner shows lack of interest in your future goals, they may not see themselves as part of it. And that can be one of the biggest fear of commitment signs.


3. They Avoid Meeting Your Parents

If you’ve mentioned to your partner that they should meet your family, and they avoid that every time you bring it up, this may mean that they are afraid of taking that extra step with you.

4. They’re All About Sex

Sex is important for a healthy relationship, but it shouldn’t always be the defining aspect of a relationship. If your partner’s ignoring other relationship aspects such as talking about future plans or meeting with your friends or family and remains interested in sex only, this can eventually turn into sexual promiscuity. Moreover, they may have completely opposite expectations from your relationship.

5. You Haven’t Met Their Friends or Family Yet

If your partner knows more about you than you think you’ll ever get to know about him, that is a sign that they may be fearing commitment.


6. You Are Not Their Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Is your partner calling you their boyfriend/girlfriend? If not, this may show that they are really not into creating a stronger and more serious bond with you.

7. Unforeseeable behavior

You can never know exactly what their behavior is like from day to day. Sometimes they may be affectionate, other times they may be in a completely different mood.

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8. Canceling Dates

You’ve spent so much time finding a cool restaurant that serves their favorite food. But they always cancel last minute. They may fear commitment after all.

9. Refuse To Make Plans Weeks in Advance

Your right now only partner may really not be envisioning a future together with you.

10. They Are Ultra-Charming At First But Change Later

They act sweet, loving, and affectionate at first, but later show signs of continuously neglecting your needs and wants.


Does your partner have any of these fear of commitment signs? Let us know in the comment section below!

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