7 Fancy Twists On Mac and Cheese For You To Try

Mac and cheese, also known as ”God’s gift,” is one of the most amazing meals you will ever have in your life- we LOVE it. And because this treasure needs to be preserved, today we will be giving you seven twists on the classic macaroni and cheese recipe. It’s guaranteed to up your cravings, so make sure you’re taking notes for the next time you’re hungry and in a need of a new recipe. Let’s cut to the chase and start with number 1:
1. Gluten-free mac and cheese
For this gluten-free version of mac and cheese, you’ll need 2 cups of gluten-free pasta, 2 teaspoons salt, 1/3 heavy cream, 1 1/3 cups grated cheddar cheese, 1/2 teaspoons mustard powder, 1/8 teaspoons garlic powder, 1/8 teaspoon onion powder and a small dash of your favourite hot sauce.
Boil a medium pot of water and add the gluten-free pasta and the salt. Then, cook until the pasta is ready and drain it. Return the empty pot to the heat and add the cream, then let it boil. Wait while it’s boiling for a minute then add all the cheese and spices. Stir until it’s all melted, then add the pasta and serve immediately!
2. Baked mac and cheese
For the macaroni, you’ll need 250 gr pasta and 15 gr butter. For the topping, you’ll need 40 gr breadcrumbs, 30 gr butter and 1/4 tsp salt. For the sauce, you’ll need 60 gr butter, 50 gr flour, 750 ml milk, 200 gr shredded cheese, 100 shredded mozzarella and 3/4 tsp salt.
Make the pasta, as usual, add the butter and set aside. Mix together all the topping ingredients and set them aside as well. Preheat the oven to 180C, melt the rest of the butter over medium heat. Then, add the flour and stir for a minute. Add 1 cup of the milk and mix until it dissolves, add the remaining milk and whisk until it’s one mixture. Cook while stirring for 5 minutes until the mix is as thick as cream. Remove from the stove and add the cheese while stirring. Add some salt and you’re ready!
3. Chilli mac and cheese
For this spicy version of our beloved dish, you’ll need the following ingredients: 1 tbsp olive oil, 2 garlic cloves, 1 onion, 1 bell pepper, 500 gr ground beef, 800 gr crushed canned tomato, 420 gr red kidney beans, 625 ml beef broth, 250 gr macaroni pasta, 200 gr shredded cheese, chopped coriander and chilli powder.
Heat the oil in a large pot over high heat, then add the garlic and onion and cook for 1 minute, add the bell pepper and cook until the onion looks transparent. Afterwards, add the beef and cook it. Once the beef is brown, add all remaining ingredients, except for the cheese. Stir and turn the heat down to medium, cover and cook for 10 minutes. Turn the stove off and leave the pot on the stove. Stir through half the cheese and adjust the salt and pepper to taste. Add the remaining cheese, put the lid back on and leave it until the cheese has melted. Sprinkle coriander and serve.
4. Shrimp mac and cheese
All you’ll need for this version of the classic mac and cheese is 500 grams of shrimp plus the normal ingredients we’ve already listed above. Heat one tbsp oil and one tbsp butter in a large pan. Then, add the shrimp and sprinkle some salt and butter and cook for a minute. Add garlic and cook for one more minute, then transfer to a bowl. Make the mac and cheese as normal and add the shrimp last. Sprinkle with parsley and you’re ready to eat it.
5. Broccoli mac and cheese
Similarly, for this dish, you’ll need the ingredients for a normal mac and cheese plus 1 large head of broccoli. Make the mac and cheese as usual and add the broccoli cut in pieces right before you put the mac and cheese to bake for 20 minutes. Finish it off with sprinkling cheese on top.
6. Vegan mac and cheese
If you’re vegan and still crave that tasty meal, worry not, we’ve got you! Prepare 350 gr macaroni, sea salt, ground black pepper, 1 onion, 1 litre of soya milk, 100 gr dairy-free margarine, 85 gr plain flour, 1 teaspoon mustard, 50 gr vegan cheese, 5 cloves of garlic, olive oil, 40 gr breadcrumbs. Make the mac and cheese as usual!
7. Ham mac and cheese
As you’ve guessed already, this recipe is just like the normal one but incorporates ham as well. Enjoy the meaty treat!
What are your thoughts on mac and cheese and did you like our recipes? Share with us below.
Featured Image Source: https://www.sbs.com.au/food/recipes/mac-n-cheese-healthy-way

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