Categories: Beauty

Everything You’ll Need For An Emergency Pamper Evening

Setting aside time to indulge in a calming pamper evening is a vital element of self-care. Whether you’re into the beautifying aspect: painting your nails and applying face masks or you prefer the relaxation of simply lighting a candle, here is a little guide as to how you can make the most out of your next pamper evening. You’re in for a treat, just follow the steps that best suit you and prepare to have the best night’s sleep afterwards that you’ve had in a long time!

1) Clothing For The Mood

The mood for your pamper evening will depend on your environment. If your house is all warmed up, why not wear that pretty silk kimono you treated yourself to a while back to induce that feeling-yourself kind of vibe? If not and the weather is super cool outside and you’re in need of warming up yourself, throw on some comfy PJ’s, fleecy socks and let the cosiness commence.

2) Soothing Serene Sounds

The key to a truly tranquil pamper evening is sound. Why not listen to some relaxing old school ballads for the ultimate sing along? Or if you want to take the calming atmosphere to the next level, there are plenty of fireplace and rain video compilations on YouTube to choose from. These are great if you love the sounds of nature or simply need a less distracting environment to finally tuck into that book you’ve been waiting to read.

3) The Prettiest Of Lighting

Next up, is lighting. The ultimate pamper evening aesthetic can be achieved with just a few fairy lights and a candle or two. You can even buy candles that have a thicker wick that crackles like a real fire – incredible, right? To take that lighting to the next level, think about scents too. Popular scents of candles people tend to go for are cookie and marshmallow themed if you have a sweet tooth or jasmine and bergamot or a fresh, sophisticated edge.

4) Food & Drink

Take this time that you’re putting aside for your pamper evening to treat yourself. There are infinite snack combos out there whether you’re on a health kick or you’re just craving a bit of chocolate. Have a browse of Pinterest, and trust me you’ll find more recipes than you’ll know what to do with. If you’re partial to an alcoholic beverage, pour yourself a cold glass of your favourite rosé or even a cheeky cocktail.

5) Skin Care Routine

So that skin care regime you promised yourself you’d stick to just after you received a nice little set at Christmas isn’t going too well, is it? Yes, I know, it’s hard to find the energy after a long day of working hard to drag yourself to the sink to exfoliate, cleanse and moisturise when you’ve got a pack of makeup wipes waiting for you in your draw. So, rally up your lotions and potions together and for one night only take time to enjoy the process and you’ll wake up with instant results.

See Also

6) Bubble Bath Time

The same goes for body care really. Whether you’re planning on having a long shower to do a hair mask and shave your legs till they’re silky smooth or have a de-stressing bath in mind, whip out any special pampering products that you don’t use very often and get scrubbing. Not only will you wash away dead skin cells and leave your whole body looking bright and feeling soft but you’ll also smell amazing and feel it too.

7) A Bit Of Fun

After all that pampering in the bathroom, go ahead and do whatever it is you love most. Whether that’s escaping reality by losing yourself in a book, painting your nails or catching up on the latest episode of Keeping Up, enjoy it. Let any worries you have slip away and let your future energised self-tackle them instead.

Which of these steps will you be following for your next pamper evening? Comment down below your answers!

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Mia Gardner

Mia Gardner spends most of her time writing fashion and lifestyle pieces along to the sweet sound of an Arctic Monkeys album or two whilst fighting an extreme book-buying addiction and saving up for the day she can transform her dream of running a cat sanctuary into a reality. She’s also rather handy in the makeup department.

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