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5 Essential Apps For Travelling Around Europe

5 Essential Apps For Travelling Around Europe

Planning on travelling around Europe? We have you covered! Here are the 5 essential apps you are going to need for your adventure.

Travelling around Europe are some of the most exciting and memorable times of my life, however, the planning up to and during your trip can cause quite a bit of stress. I found that during my travels certain apps I downloaded to my phone really did help with the planning, so here is a list of the 5 essential apps for travelling around Europe! While all of these apps are free to download and use, it should be noted that you may need to invest in something to use them (like a ticket), but it is totally worth it as it will make your life much easier and cost effective.

1. Eurail/Interrail Rail Planner

If you are planning on travelling around Europe, or even around just one country, I would strongly recommend buying a Eurail or Interrail pass as it will allow you to take multiple trains for a heavily discounted price. Once you have your rail pass, you actually have to plan which trains you are taking. The Eurail/Interrail Rail Planner app is made exactly for this purpose, it is also very easy to use, making the process a bit less stressful. The features on this app allow you to find train times from all over Europe offline, plan your route and track it on their map, book seat reservations, save money with extra benefits and discounts, and they have a section which answers any questions you have. Train travel couldn’t be made easier! Definitely one of the more cost-effective, useful essential apps on this list.

2. Hostelworld

The Hostelworld app is the best app for travellers and backpackers, as it allows you to find your next place to stay on your trip, offering over 16,500 hostels, hotels and B&Bs around the world connected to the app. Using location and filters, it can find the nearest hostels to you that are available at last notice with no booking fees. The app offers other features, such as “My Trip,” which allows you to discover the best things to see and do where you are staying, and “Hostel Noticeboard,” which helps you to meet new friends and get involved with events and meetups.


3. Google Translate

I feel like Google Translate is a pretty self-explanatory app for travelling, but nonetheless, it is still a travel essential. The main gist of Google Translate is that it allows you to communicate with others from your language to theirs. Google Translate includes 103 languages, but the great thing about this app is the different ways in which you can translate. Not only does it have the usual text translate, but it also has instant camera translation (which is great for menus and signs) and a conversation translation, which translates what you are saying out loud. It also offers a phrasebook so you can try and get some phrases down before you start travelling! Google Translate is one of the most essentials apps for travel, in my opinion.

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4. Revolut

Revolut is an app-based account that allows you to manage your money easily anywhere in the world. Although you do need to buy a Revolut card (which starts from £5) to use the app, it is definitely worth the money. The main upside of Revolut is that it allows you to exchange your money into any currency to spend abroad, so you don’t get a charge for converting money in the country your travelling to. Revolut also includes instant spending notifications, built-in budgeting and buying and selling currencies which allow for an easy way to manage your money while travelling!


5. LuckyTrip

Not sure where to go next, how to get there, what to do or where to stay? Well, this is what LuckyTrip was made for – the spontaneous European trip with the comfort of ease on your great adventure. All you have to do is set your budget and press a button, and the app will come up with flights, accommodation and activities for you to do which fit your budget! If you have already booked your trip, however, LuckyTrip is still a good app to have on your phone, as it has a feed which has handpicked travel activities and articles every day which is great to keep an eye on. It might just help you find something new and exciting to do on your travels. This is one of the essential apps that I use frequently.

Do you have any other suggestion for good travelling apps? Comment them in the section below!

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