Uni Life

10 Emergency Items Every Student Should Own

Moving away from home for university is definitely exciting, but as many students find out, with independence comes a lot of responsibility. No longer can you’re parents take care of you when you’ve come down with the flu, or can they lend you some cash when you realize you have nothing to pay the delivery driver. Here are 10 emergency items every student should own because you never know when you may need them.

1. A Pharmacy Box

Whilst you will most likely have a first-aid box in your flat, it can be helpful to make your own pharmacy box with the medication necessities inside. Paracetamol / Ibuprofen for hangover days when you don’t want to be making the journey into town. Imodium  – need I say more? Allergy tablets, cold & flu, period pain tablets and any other medications you suspect you may need.

2. Extra Toilet Paper

This may seem dramatic but hiding a roll or two of toilet paper in your room is one of the best emergency items you will own. You may have your shopping rota planned to perfection but without a doubt, there will be an occasion where someone has slipped up and you will find yourself with no loo roll in sight. You may laugh now but you will be thankful later.

3. Hidden £20

Even though you can pretty much pay for anything by card these days, having a £20 hidden in your room can be a lifesaver. It may come in handy if realize you have no taxi fare to pay the driver or if you manage to lose your bank card. Put £20 somewhere you will forget about it until you really need it. If you never need to use it, it will be a nice surprise when you move out.

4. Alarm Clock

Using your phone for your alarm is great until it stops working or you lose it. If that happens you will still need to get up on time for class. Keep an alarm clock by your bed even if you prefer to use your phone. It might also give you peace of mind to set both on exam or deadline days.

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5. Lamp / Spare Light Bulb

Whilst most student landlords will happily come and change bulbs for your or at least drop off a replacement, you should always keep a spare source of light in your room. If your bulb goes at 3am while you are working on an important essay, or on Friday night while you’re getting ready for an important date, I highly doubt your landlord will rush over to fix it. You may have to wait a few days until the problem gets sorted and it is no fun sitting in a dark room until then.

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6. Hard Drive / USB

Your tutors have probably told you this a thousand times but get a hard drive or USB and back up your work regularly. Seriously. If your dissertation disappears just before you write your conclusion your tutors won’t give you an extension. It’s not a special circumstance and it may well cost you your grade. You should also keep it separate from your laptop so there is a low risk of them both being lost, stolen or damaged.

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7. Hot Water Bottle

A hot water bottle is essential for every university student. If you’re suffering from period cramps or joint pain it can be hard to focus on getting any work done. Keeping a hot water bottle near is a low-cost and comforting way to relieve pain while you work or relax. It will also come in handy during the colder months when you’re flatmates are arguing over the heating bill and your room feels like an icebox.

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8. Stamps

Whilst you may not consider stamps a high priority on your list of emergency items, you will almost always wish you had some lying around when you eventually need them. Running out to buy a card when you’ve forgotten your siblings birthday is hassle enough without returning home and realizing you didn’t buy any stamps. You will probably also need them for sending paperwork, job contracts, and portfolios.

9. Mini Sewing Kit

When I went to university my mother told me she wouldn’t let me go without taking a sewing kit. I laughed. After 3 years when I had finished, I brought the sewing kit back almost empty. The safety pins are perfect for when you’ve bought a top that’s a bit too low-cut for lessons, the needle and thread for when you lose a coat button and the hemming tape for when you’ve bought a pair of trousers that are too long. And if you’re a fan of fancy dress nights then you will use this kit a lot more than you think.

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10. Chocolate

Chocolate does not seem like your typical emergency items list candidate but it is one of the most important. University is an amazing experience for the majority of the time but there will be some days where you could do with a pick me up. Keeping a small stash of chocolate or your favorite snack is great for when you’ve had a hard day or are feeling a little homesick. Grab your pals, turn on Netflix and break out the chocolate supply!

So how did we do? Comment below with the emergency items that help you get through student life with ease.

Featured Image Source: pinterest.com
Phoebe Master

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