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10 Easy Ways You Can Include Fruit In Breakfast Meals

10 Easy Ways You Can Include Fruit In Breakfast Meals

Having fruit for breakfast is a great way to start anyone's day. Here are 10 super easy and delicious ways to incorporate and include fruit in breakfasts.

Fruit is a yummy and healthy food that we all really should eat more of! For me, its a great breakfast food, mainly because its quick, light and easily accessible. But lets face it, fruit alone can be boring after a while.

Here are my top 10 easy ways you can incorporate fruit in your breakfast meals.

1. Banana Pancakes

Banana can be used as a great substitute for egg, its great for texture and thickness and cooks beautifully in the pan. Also banana is a wonderful source of potassium. This is a perfect breakfast idea for a Sunday Brunch – when you’ve got a little extra morning time.


2. Granola & Berries

Granola is a super easy way to incorporate fruit in breakfasts, and perfect when you don’t have much time for anything too fancy pants. I would recommend adding berries such as raspberries, blackberries and blueberries, these help to balance out the sweetness of granola with a sharp berry contrast.

3. Smoothies

Smoothies are great for almost any time. They’re quick, easy, versatile, and can literally be drank anywhere. What I love about these are they’re perfect for both pre and post workout’s. I like to make mine really light pre work out and thicker and milkier post work out.

4. Acai Berry Bowl

Acai berries are a little bit of a MASSIVE trend at the moment, but i really hope they stay. You can blend acai fruit with ice and add toasted almonds for something cooling in the midst of summer. Plus acai berries are a vibrant purple when blended, perfect for foodstagramming!


5. Quinoa Fruit Salad

Fruit salads for breakfast are great, but can be boring and just completely full of sugar and not much else. A great addition is to add quinoa, its a great source of protein and is much more filling than a plain old fruit salad.

6. Fruit & Yogurt

Adding yogurt to fruit in general can be a great addition to any fruit. Firstly yogurt is great for you, and first thing in the morning, its an easy thing to eat on your daily commute or at your desk.

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7.French Toast with kiwi and lime

French toast is such a luxurious and filling breakfast meal, which can be stodgy really early in the morning. An alternative though, instead of smothering these thick carbs in ice cream or butter, try adding sliced kiwi and squeezing over lime, for a lighter twist, that’s still full of luxury.

8. Coconut Porridge & Apple

Porridge is a gorgeously warming treat, and add a much needed sense of comfort for those grey winter mornings, but plain porridge can definitely boring and repetitive. In order to spruce up this timeless breakfast classic stir in coconut milk and mashed apple, with a sprinkling of coconut flakes, this is guaranteed to put a early morning smile on your face.

9. Strawberries & Cream Crepes

Just because its delicious doesn’t mean it doesn’t count. Strawberries and Cream Crepes are a classic beautiful breakfast option, perfect for all seasons, and very aesthetically pleasing, good on the eye and in the tummy – and super easy to make!


10. Super food & Oatmeal Breakfast Bars

You may want to make these on a Sunday night ready for the week ahead. Making your own breakfast bars means you can add whatever fruits you want, I suggest dried fruits, currants and blueberries. These are a yummy way to include fruit in breakfast as you can take them with you anywhere and they’re awesome for just a snack any time of day!

Eating fruit is a great way to start any day, tell us how you incorporate fruit into your breakfast in the comments below!

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