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8 Easy Steps To Get Exactly What You Want In Life

8 Easy Steps To Get Exactly What You Want In Life

Do you have amazing dreams you want to realize? Here's our guide to get out and get exactly what you want in life! Keep dreaming big!

We all aspire to live our best lives, yet the majority of us struggle to achieve any of our goals and desires. Being financially independent, finding our soulmate, having an amazing job and travelling the world are just a mere fraction of all the dreams we strive towards. But life never came with a handbook, so here are 8 simple steps to manifest the life you’ve always wished for.

1. Organise Your Mind

This is the most vital step on your journey towards your dream life. Organising your mind means to internally arrange all your thoughts, emotions and dimensions of your inner self to uncover who you are and what you want. Stay in tune with yourself, be realistic and mentally identify the specific goals in all areas of your life. After your reality starts to reflect that subconscious work, all that’s needed now is commitment and physical action.

2. Use Your Imagination

After your system’s healthy reboot, it’s time to imagine exactly what you want in life. Visualisation is a great tool that helps you believe it before you see it. The mental experience cultivates those vibrant feelings you crave and assures you of your dream’s potential.  Use this chance to familiarise yourself with those positive images and life will respond accordingly by attracting the right opportunities and resources towards you.


3. Set Goals And Formulate An Action Plan

If only wishful thinking was enough. Now it’s time to take the steps towards the place you’ve envisioned. After getting clear on what you want in life and visualising it, you need both direction and a sense of purpose. The key to this direction is goal-setting, as it helps you prioritise your actions and values. As long as you know what you want to achieve, you can start small to build your momentum. Break up your big goal into more manageable chunks, or sub-goals, and it will seem much more achievable. After setting your goals, customise a detailed strategy, or plan, for yourself. Think of all the steps you can take every day to achieve these goals and create habits that you can stick to. This plan enables you to assess the plan consistently and accept your journey as a process that needs commitment, discipline, and analysis.

4. Measure Your Progress

So, now that you’ve set the goals and designed an action plan, remember to keep track of all your achievements and setbacks. By monitoring your progress, you will be reminded of everything you’ve managed to accomplish whenever you’re feeling demotivated. Treat yourself, celebrate all the wins, big or small, and don’t be afraid to make any adjustments to your action plan when necessary. Consider sticking to a routine and record all the targets that you’ve met to give yourself that boost.

5. Stop Comparing And Take Responsibility

Comparing yourself to others is detrimental to this process of getting what you want. Everyone else is more or less on a similar journey to us, though we don’t see it. All you know inside out is yourself and that’s where you need to invest your time and energy into instead. Stop assuming that everyone is on a better chapter than you, as life comes in stages. If you want to feel fully liberated and in control of your life, you need to take complete accountability for it. Only you are responsible for your happiness and quality of your life, there is no dream fairy that will casually deliver all your dreams straight to your door.  You will always be the common denominator in situations that affect you, so it’s best to stop complaining and start creating.

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6. Never Stop Learning

Sometimes setbacks get the best of us and can completely shatter our confidence.  But the point of those setbacks is to always learn. To get what you want in life, you need to teach yourself, utilise all available resources and use any slip-ups to learn from mistakes. Being resilient is an essential trait that you need to gain to smoothly move past any setbacks. Don’t forget to keep exploring and experimenting, even at the expense of a few mistakes here and there as the journey will be worth it.

7. Keep The Faith

Considering the many situations you may face, or intense emotions you will experience, sometimes all you need is some faith. You’ve done all the exhaustive mental and physical work, but sometimes you just need to surrender and let things be. Have unwavering faith in yourself, your effort, and the possibility of everything working in your favour. You are more than capable of making everything you want come true, you just need to trust the process.


8. Enjoy The Ride

We always daydream about being elsewhere, but you only experience the present moment once, so enjoy it while it lasts. Stay grateful for your current circumstances and remind yourself of the power you have over your own life. Remember to regularly nurture your body and mind with adequate sleep, healthy routines and positive affirmations to support you on your journey to getting what you want.

What are your goals and how are you planning to achieve them? We’d love to know in the comments below!

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