The morning commute- whether it be by bus, train, car or foot is filled with the same people you see It’s easy to get sick of them, but we all know these strangers actions so well that their behavior is almost entertaining. So with that being said, here are the 10 behaviors of commuters you see every morning!
To those who don’t get travel sick and can actually read a book on their commute, we applaud you!
Sleeping with your head against the window surely can’t be comfy?
How on earth can you apply a flawless face of make up on a busy moving vehicle? We have no idea how you do it but you go girl!
Taking is fine, but shouting at the top of your voice down the phone is not fine.
Why do people use the seat next to them as a bag rack? Surely letting the pregnant woman standing up sit down is what you should do.
Those people who stand in the middle of the carriage taking up room for about four people should probably be told to move right?
We get it you love loud music, but the rest of the carriage doesn’t want to listen to it too.
We get it, you are on a busy carriage and you don’t have any room. We are all in the same boat though… so you don’t need to push everyone out of the way for more room.
Why do some people think it is fine to take a seat on the floor? Stop taking up all the standing room and stand up like the rest of us!
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