
Does Tanning Really Cause Wrinkles? Here’s What The Experts Say

Everyone loves a good ol’ sunbathing session, lounging on the sunbed with the sun beaming against your skin. But I bet you didn’t know that too much sunbathing cannot only cause sunburn, but can also premature aging. Yes, you read that correctly… the sun can cause premature aging, but you don’t have to take my word for it. Let’s see what the experts say, does tanning really cause wrinkles?

There are two types of UV rays that the sun emits to the earth, UVA and UVB, UVA rays causes tanning and can result in wrinkles and UVB causes sunburn. When UV rays reach the skin it interacts with the melanin, which is the first line of protection within your skin, it absorbs the UV which causes your skin to tan, but once it exceeds your protection layer, this causes sunburn.

Signs of Sun Damage:

1. Age Spots

Age spots are often mistaken for freckles, they are also referred to as liver spots. These spots can appear on your face, hands, shoulders and arms, it is very common in people over the age of 50, but can also appear on younger people if overexposed to the sun. Age spots are not harmful, but can be caused by prolonged sun exposure and “the use of commercial tanning. Lamps and tanning beds” the Dr Mayo Clinic tell us.

2. Wrinkles

“The culprit behind the development of wrinkles is often extensive sun exposure” explains Dr Kovak. The aging process is accelerated by the sun because it breaks down the collagen in the skin which is needed to provide elasticity and give the skin a youthful appearance. So, does tanning really cause wrinkles?

3. Red and Brown Patches

“Actinic keratosis are a reflection of abnormal skin cell development due to DNA damage by short wavelength UVB” explains Dermatologist, Dr Amanda Oakley.

Red and brown patches also referred to as actinic keratosis is scaly patches that appears on skin damaged skin. This will particularly effect those who are overexposed to sunlight or those with poor immune function. It is common on areas such as your back, hands and face which is the areas with the most UV contact.

4. Sunburn

Sunburn is red painful and hot to the touch, it occurs due to intense sun exposure and is extremely damaging to your skin. It can cause wrinkles, dry skin, dark spots and skin cancer. “Suntan is your body’s way of blocking UV rays to prevent sunburn and other skin damage… many people don’t produce enough melanin to protect the skin well. Eventually, UV light causes the skin to burn.” Explains Dr Mayo Clinic.

Premature aging can, not only cause wrinkles, but may produce fine red veins, permanent dry and rough skin and weak connective tissues, worst case scenario it can also cause skin cancer. The best way to prevent this from happening is to protect your skin against sun damage to begin with rather than waiting till the damage is already done.

See Also

Tips to Avoid Sun Damage:

Never Skip Sun Screen

Apply sunscreen generously and regularly and remember to reapply after water activities or anything that may wash the sunscreen off such as sweat. Opt for using a sunscreen and lip balm with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect your skin against UVA and UVB rays.

Avoid Prolonged Sun Exposure

Between 10am and 4pm the sun’s ray is at its strongest, so try to avoid prolonged exposure to sun during these hours and seek shade if possible.

Avoid Sunbeds

Sunbeds give out higher doses of UV rays than the sun on a typical day, which can be extremely damaging to the skin and can cause skin cancer. The question ‘does tanning really cause wrinkles’ is hard to determine. But these tips should help avoid any nervousness.

Does tanning really cause wrinkles? Leave your tanning stories in the comments below!

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Kloe Nicole David

I am a undergraduate student, Beauty Blogger and aspiring Beauty Content Writer with a slight makeup addiction. If I am not giving myself a near death experience in the gym, I am either adding makeup to my BeautyBay basket which I have no intentions nor the financial funds to buy, or I am stuffing my face whilst singing along to Mama Mia.

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