You’re heading off to university and you’ve obviously applied because you are keen to further enhance and develop your studies. To do well in university there are a variety of different skills that you are required to have which will benefit you, whilst studying in such an establishment. The students who do well tend to come with these skills and develop them as they learn, here are 5 different skills for students you should have already before heading off to university.
Going off to university whether you are living on campus or living at home, relies on you being able to work independently. Whether that be you doing your weekly shopping to cook for yourself or doing some independent research. This skill is necessary in order to survive at university, it requires you being able to organise yourself accordingly.
In order to be a successful university candidate you have to be able to motivate yourself. No one is going to be watching over your back to ensure you do the extra work that is necessary, such as readings or research. You have to be able to do these things yourself and it will give you a better understanding of the subject topic. The studying will usually contribute heavily to an essay that you are due to write up. This is one skill that will ensure you get the grades that you deserve.
University requires a lot of group work on any course, from group presentations to group blogs. You must be able to work as a team, this tests your communication and negation skills. As a team you all contribute different ideas to the group project, so you have to be able to let go of certain notions and know when to push for others. This skill is necessary for all aspects of university, your grades are sometimes dependent on being able to work as a team! Be ready to ensure that you are a team player because it’s a skills for students that is absolutely necessary.
Facial expressions are a universal form of communication, however verbal communication isn’t everyone’s strongest point. Being able to talk to people whether it be your lecturer or group members is crucial! Communicating ideas is an essential part of university as well as knowing how to talk to different people. You wouldn’t talk to your lecturer the same way you talk to your friends. Knowing how to interchange your communication skills depending on who you are talking to is also an essential skill to have and develop at university. It will help you when going for interviews and getting work placements.
Applying to university, you must be a critical thinker. You must always be analysing and asking the five W’s; Who, Why, What, Where and Will this lead to… Keeping these in mind for all aspects of university will help you. University isn’t just about answering questions, it’s about developing them and challenging them and then coming to your own judgement on the conclusion.
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