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5 Different Types Of Flatmates You’ll Have At University

5 Different Types Of Flatmates You’ll Have At University

10 People You Will Always Run into At Glasgow Caledonian University

Lancaster University has a huge campus and plenty of students to fill it, but with between 8 and 15 students per flat, you’re going to be a lot closer to some than others. Being forced into a flat with strangers can seem overwhelming and you’ll all get along at first because you have to, but will you all be friends by the end of first term? Here are the flatmates you’ll probably live with.

1. The flatmate who may as well be a ghost.

There will always be one of these in your flat. Maybe two if you have quite a big group in your halls. This flatmate will put in a bit of effort at first but will slowly fade from the picture and eventually no longer belong within the group dynamics. You might see them on campus and smile but that will be the extent of your communication for the rest of the year. No matter how much you attempt to include them, at some point you’ll give up knocking on their door for group activities and nights out. You might even start avoiding the kitchen if you know they’re in there because you just can’t face the awkward silence. You won’t hate them at all, but they may as well not live in the same flat as you.

2. That one who is overly friendly.

Of course, at first, you’re all going to be super friendly to try and bond with anyone you can. The fear of making no friends pushing you into overdrive. There are no cliques or petty groups, it’s all in. But after a few weeks you don’t need to be everyone’s best friend all the time and it’s okay if you can’t bring yourself to be bubbly 24/7. But somehow one person in the flat will be able to maintain this vibe throughout the whole year, and you start wondering how they do it. Uni is stressful and exhausting, how are they STILL HAPPY? Group motivation will fall to them in times of need but no fear, they will always raise the group spirit, no matter what.


3. The flatmate whose life revolves around their partner.

Now, this person will either come to university with their partner or meet them within first term. And if you think you’re not one of these uni couples, you are. Don’t deny it. A night in with bae will top all nights out. Netflix and chill will be all they want and all they’ll end up doing. Even if you have told them weeks in advance that you’re planning a night out with the girls, don’t expect them to come. You’ll still be friends but not as close as you might have been before the relationship raised it’s ugly head.

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4. The one who leaves the kitchen like a battleground.

This flatmate will become the bane of all your lives. Want to use the hob? Think again, because half their dinner will be spilled all over it. Want to wash up? Nope, didn’t think so. Both washing up bowls will be stacked with all their dishes and plates. No one will want to bring it up or say anything in case they seem rude, so everyone will go around clearing up after them for the rest of the year. But don’t worry, there’s always the option of not living with them next year. This is one of the flatmates you’ll live with for sure.


5. That flatmate that you get stuck with for next year too.

There is always going to be a huge rush in first year to secure a student house for second year. Most flats end up sticking together to get it sorted as quickly as possible, but sometimes it’s better to take your time. Getting it done before Christmas could be a mistake as by then, do you really know these people? By the end of first year you may feel like you’ve made a massive mistake and dread moving in with your first year flat again. So, take your time and get to know your flatmates before you take the leap.

What types of flatmates have you lived with? Tell us in the comments!
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