It can be hard to come up with date ideas all the time that are fun and exciting. You find that sitting on the couch and watching a movie can get dull very easily. Here are a few unusual date ideas to get you inspired again and let the love flow!
Buy some cheap paint supplies from your local dollar store and put on your least favourite shirt and get painting! There are a plethora of Bob Ross tutorials on his YouTube channel, each with a spectacular work of art easily explained to you.
Of course, Bob makes it look easy. You may find you can follow along with no problems or you could fail miserably. Whatever happens, you’ll have a great memory and a masterpiece at the end of this date!
Capturing your inner kid can be great for date ideas. Find an indoor trampoline centre and jump to your heart’s content. Usually, they have obstacle courses you can complete which adds to the adventure and excitement of the day. Hold hands and jump around each other or show off your killer kart wheels and somersaults to really impress your date.
Pitch a tent in your backyard or drag out a mattress onto the grass to observe the stars. Pile on the blankets for comfort and warmth, the cosyness will bring that extra bit of romance to the date! Maybe start a fire and roast some marshmallows too. Swap your camping stories with each other and tell your best campfire horror story. If you get scared, cuddle up to your partner!
Active date ideas are great for those with active lifestyles and people with a sense of adventure. Pick a bike track that will take you through some nice scenery and pack a picnic lunch. Get the blood pumping and race to your destination or take your time and relax. Either way, you’ll have a great day pedaling your way through the track.
Put on some aprons and bust out the baking supplies. Test your baking abilities (and your patience) and choose a hard recipe to follow. Throw some flour around and dip your fingers in the batter, you are sure to have some laughs with this one.
Sometimes when your date ideas are drying up it can be fun to revisit when you first started dating! Commit to it fully and go to the same place for dinner or do the same activity. If you still have them, wear the same clothes to add to the nostalgia trip!
Maybe tell them something they don’t know from that night, about how nervous you were or how many times you changed outfits! This is a great way to send the sparks flying between you two again, you’ll remember how much you love each other and can reflect on how far you’ve come from your very first date!
Put on some sturdy shoes and explore some cliffs and rocks around your favourite beach. Point out interesting shells and examine some rock pools. You’re both sure to find some excitement from little crabs and fish zooming around their cute little homes. Pack a picnic lunch and find a flat spot with a spectacular view. Enjoy each other’s company with some beautiful nature surrounding you.
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