The CV Tips That Will Take It From Blah To Wow In No Time

It seems so simple to write AaCV, doesn’t it? After all, who better knows where you’ve been and what you’ve done than you? Nobody. Open up your Word file and dump all that information into a pleasing format, make it into a nice font, forward it to a prospective employer or two, then sit back and wait for the phone to ring. Am I right? No. it needs a lot more thought then that and employers can tell who has and hasn’t put the effort in. Before you hit “send” on your CV, there are a few things you may want to consider, or you may be waiting a very long time for that job offer. Now I know it is difficult to sell yourself on paper when an employer can’t see your beautiful face but this is how it has to be. Here are The CV Tips That Will Take It From Blah To Wow In No Time
Be the one that stands out
Your CV is so much more than just a “data dump,” or a list of your accomplishments. But this is what a CV has become to many many people.
It is vital to the success of this document that it sets you apart from the competition. You are likely rivalling candidates whose qualifications are similar to your own or very different. So, you must be the red balloon in the field of yellow ones if you want to get noticed. Standing out will help the employer remember you and want to meet the person behind the qualifications.
Give the reader something to get excited about that can’t be duplicated on any other resume they may encounter. It simply does not matter that you spent X years in X position and accomplished X goals. Your competition has probably done similar things so BE DIFFERENT. While this information is important, don’t stop there. Dig a little deeper to make yourself appear to be the puzzle piece their company has been missing for CV tips.
Exploit Your Uniqueness
You have made yourself stand out. Now what? This is now the time to go through the rest of your CV exploit that uniqueness. When you add this third dimension to an otherwise two-dimensional document, you give it a certain texture that will get you noticed at the very least, and hired at the very most. Look for any opportunity to do this throughout the CV so that you stand out throughout the whole time they are reading your CV. You don’t want to initially stand out and then be forgotten because the rest of your CV is shockingly boring.
Make it appealing
The words have done their job at selling you so now it is time for the presentation to do the same! While there are many pre-set formats across hundreds of websites and within your own Microsoft software, these often wreak “template” and should only be used as a starting point, if at all. You should format your work so that it is both appealing to the eye and interesting, but at the same time easy to read. And when appropriate, don’t shy away from the use of charts and graphs. When used properly, these visual aids can go a long way to increasing the readability of your resume by breaking up long sections of text that may have otherwise gone unnoticed and could send the reader to sleep for CV tips.
Proof read the hell out of it
I shouldn’t need to highlight the importance of proof reading as it is a vital component to a lot of things in life! Make sure that you check and double check your work; even get another person to read it to make sure there are no mistakes for CV tips.
If you don’t get a job now then I’m not sure what else to suggest, but don’t give up as it takes the right employer and right person to find each other. But hopefully these tips have taken your CV from Blah to wow in no time.
Who has any other ways to spice up your CV with CV tips? Let us know in the comments.
Featured Image Source: weheartit

Current University Graduate, Hampshire UK