Cute pets can be the perfect addition to your flat! Living without a pet isn’t the same – nothing can compare to coming back home to your loving friend, who’ll always be excited to see you. Unfortunately, we can’t always get the pets that we want. Whether it’s down to your landlord’s obstinacy or the size of your apartment, you may be limited in terms of choice when it comes to choosing a family friend. But don’t worry; there are plenty of other pets to get besides cats and dogs. Here’s our list of 8 cute pets to get if you live in a flat:
Lifespan: 5-10 years
These cute furry friends are really easy to take care of – they’re obedient, can use litter boxes, and will get used to walking on a leash in no time. With lots of different breeds that vary in colour, size, and ear length, you’ll be able to pick the perfect bunny for your household. They aren’t picky eaters – they will happily consume pellets and fresh vegetables alike. One issue is that they like attention, but I’m sure that won’t be a problem!
Lifespan: 5-8 years
These adorable critters are extremely curious, energetic, and very excitable. They will make the perfect companion for an active owner – they like exploring their surroundings and roaming around. Ferrets have a great personality and will reward you with their love, but they may not always take kindly to strangers. You can feed them commercial pellets or even cat food, they’ll be happy with either. They aren’t exactly low-maintenance but will definitely brighten up your life.
Lifespan: Up to 40 years
These cute turtles will make the perfect pet for someone who lives in a flat. They really like attention and aren’t lazy, despite the common misconception about turtles being quite boring creatures. However, they can be fussy eaters – depending on their breed, they may eat anything from earthworms to fresh fruit, so you will have to check that in advance. You should also keep in mind that these pets are a long-term commitment – they can live up to 40 years!
Lifespan: Up to 20 years
These adorable pets can be quite temperamental but are still extremely cute and will make fantastic companions. What’s more, they’re ridiculously soft, so you’ll be picking up your chinchilla over and over again. Their luxurious velvety fur comes in a wide array of colours that range all the way from white to grey. They are very playful and energetic, so you’ll never get bored. Another great thing is that they completely lack body odour and their droppings don’t smell, which is great for a small flat. You can easily feed them pellets because they’re not fussy about food.
Lifespan: Up to 30 years
These are definitely unique and different pets but are by no means boring. They are very active and social, especially at night. Hermit crabs can be quite curious and often like exploring, and can even make really cute chirping sounds. These adorable pets will make great companions who will keep you entertained and make your flat feel more lively. Feeding them is very easy because you can just purchase prepackaged pellets and give them some fresh fruit as a treat. However, you have to take good care of their terrarium – it needs to be kept at 24C and have high humidity.
Lifespan: Up to 20 years
These cute pets are very friendly and inquisitive, making them the perfect companion for anyone who’s looking for a loyal friend. You have to make sure to give them lots of attention when they’re small, so that they get used to you as they grow up. In terms of caring for these adorable critters, you will have to clean their cages every single day to keep them healthy and happy. However, you can only feed them every other day – in particular, they like insects, greens, fruits, and veggies, but regular pellets are fine too.
Lifespan: 8-12 years
Very devoted, loyal, and social, these cute pets will make incredible friends and brighten up your life. They’re similar to parrots, but have very colourful plumes and can be really fun. What’s even better is that you can keep two at once and they will often form very deep bonds. They’re quite easy to take care of – just remember to keep their cage off of the floor and away from any cold drafts. In terms of food, they’ll be happy with either pellets or pre-made seed mixes.
Lifespan: Up to 4 years
These cute critters are also known as Siamese fighting fish, but don’t worry – they’re not aggressive towards humans. In fact, they’re really friendly and interactive, which shatters the common stereotype about fish being dull pets. What’s more, they’re extremely beautiful – the range and vibrancy of their colours is incredible! They’re very low cost and l0w-maintenance, making them the perfect pets for beginners. Just be sure to keep them in a large tank and feed them special pellets, as well as bloodworms and shrimp as a treat.
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