If you are just entering the world of handbags or if you want to make sure you have all the essentials, here are the 5 essential handbags every woman should have as a foundation for her handbag collection. This does not mean that if you have more than 5 handbags you are doing this wrong, these are just 5 handbags that ensure you are ready for every occasion that may arise.
Every woman should own a good tote bag. It’s a necessary handbag, because as you are running errands and doing things throughout the day you really need a bag where you can just throw in all of your necessities. They are the every day kind of bag, so you want it to be a high quality bag that is very durable as well. Its your most practical handbag and most likely also the one you will use the most. Realistically, you would probably want this in either black, for the autumn/winter months, or in a more neutral tone, for the spring/summer months, when you don’t really want to wear all black anymore and need something of a softer colour to go with your everyday outfit.
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So, we are all familiar with the LBD, the little black dress, but another wardrobe staple is the LBB, the little black bag. Going for a simple yet unique piece when it comes to the little black bag is a great way to be able to wear it for every occasion.
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The next handbag that every collection needs is the clutch. It’s the perfect bag especially for the evening, when you are wearing more of a night look, you don’t want to show up with your tote bag, it just wouldn’t work very well. So, you definitely need a small clutch bag for instances like those, especially because if you are going out in the evening you usually need less items than when you go out during the day, for example to run errands. Normally, you will probably just have your phone, your keys, some money and maybe your lipstick and it should all fit in a clutch.
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Especially when one is traveling its just nice to have your hands and arms free of anything, so you can just pull out your passport, grab some snacks, etc. this is why you need a backpack. Having a really good backpack is really important, you don’t want the weight of what is inside to brake your bag, so I would suggest investing in a nice quality one that you can use on many different occasions.
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Next, we have the work bag, the handbag you would fill up when you are heading to the office. Its different from the tote bag because its usually more functional and has different pockets for different things. Its one of those bags that fit an incredible quantity of items, like your laptop, notebook, diary, pens and documents of all sorts. Its usually very spacious without being overwhelmingly big and can also be used as a travel bag, like if you need to go on a work trip you can just use it as you travel bag by placing it on top of your luggage.
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