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The Complete Uni Guide Every Fresher Needs

The Complete Uni Guide Every Fresher Needs

The Complete Uni Guide Every Fresher Needs

For those starting university in September, here is our Uni guide for you! You can now just about see independence and adulthood looming over the horizon, and the excitement that it brings is inevitable. But the butterflies in your belly might not just be due to excitement, as you’re bound to be feeling a bit nervous. That’s totally ok! It can be overwhelming trying to organise yourself as you move into another chapter of your life. But don’t fear, we’ve got a guide for you that every fresher needs to read, so that you can start your new life without any hiccups.

Before you go:

Buy the essentials

Pots, pans, bedding, a spare pair of sheets, etc. You don’t want to turn up to your new room and realise you don’t have the essentials! An important tip in the uni guide to success!


Don’t pack everything you own

You might feel like its essential that you bring that tie-dye top you never wear, ‘just in case’ you need it. You won’t, trust me. You won’t have loads of space so only bring things you like and know you’ll use.

Find out who you’re living with

If you’re worried that you’re going to hate who you’re moving in with, it’s easier now that ever to find out who you’re living through social media. Your university will probably have a Facebook group for whatever accommodation you’re staying in, so start chatting in the group and meet the people you’re living with! This is a great uni guide tip! Use social media to reach out to other students, you’re all in the same boat!

Fresher’s week:


Be friendly and smile!

This is the prime time to meet new people, so make sure that you’re not hibernating in your room and make an effort to talk to people. Everyone’s in the same boat, so don’t be shy!

Sign up to some societies (but not all of them)

Yes, you’re going to want to join lots of societies, there’s so many things you’re going to want to try with your new friends. But, you don’t need to sign up to everything. Be realistic about the stuff you’re going to want to go to, and just sign up for that.

Prepare yourself for Freshers flu

You’ll underestimate how awful it is, and when you get it (which you will) you’re going to really appreciate the medicinal precautions you brought. Get you’re self lots of lemon and ginger tea and Day and Night nurse to help you get back to shape so you can go out and party some more.



Don’t leave everything to the night before

Don’t ignore this important uni guide tip! Yes it’s easier said than done, but it’s best to get yourself into a good studying mind set to prepare yourself for the next couple of years. This means planning your time so that you don’t leave your work to the last minute.

Reference as you go

For anyone doing a degree with a lot of coursework, you’ll make your life so much easier if you just reference as you go along. Don’t leave it to the end, as it’s so dull you’re not going to want to do an essay’s worth of referencing when you’ve final finished that coursework.

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Back up your work

You’re not going to get away with the ‘my dog eat my homework’ excuse at university, so save yourself the heartbreak and make sure your work is backed up just in case something happens to it.

Adult things:


Sign up to the doctors’ surgery right away!

If the fresher flu gets really bad, you’re going to need to see a doctor. Signing up to the doctors before you get ill will save all that hassle, as you definitely don’t want to be dealing with that when you’re ill.

Do a weekly shop

Student loans are very exciting, but that money isn’t going to stretch to a take away every night. Do a weekly food shop, make sure you arrive with a list of food that you need (and stick to it) and don’t go when you’re hungry!

Correct laundry washing

You’re not going to have your mum around to help you with the laundry, so make sure you know how to wash your clothes without shrinking them or turning your whites into another colour. Make sure you wash your colours separately to your whites, and your clothes at the correct temperature.


So there you have it! Our uni guide for a seamless transition as a fresher! Good luck, and let us know what tips you found the most helpful in the comments below!

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