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10 College Graduation Gifts For Her She’s Guaranteed To Love

10 College Graduation Gifts For Her She’s Guaranteed To Love

University graduation is a huge turning point in life. For such an important event, buying the perfect graduation gift for her is equally important.  With so much going on, it can be difficult to come up with idea’s for the best college graduation gifts for her, so to help you along the way, here are 10 College Graduation Gifts For Her She’s Guaranteed To Love!

1) Jewellery

It’s true what they say – diamonds are a girl’s best friend! Whether it includes diamonds or not, an elegant piece of jewellery, such as a dainty necklace or a delicate bracelet is always a perfect choice for her graduation gift; it is something meaningful that will last forever – much like the emotions she’ll experience while graduating!

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2) Picture Album/Scrap Book

This is a wonderfully touching gift. Likely she’s had a wonderful few years at uni with many precious moments that she’d love to hold onto. Nothing can be better than having those special moments documented in a creative homemade photo album or scrap book.  This is perfect if you are on a tight budget and shows that you’ve put plenty of thought into it as you’ve taken the time and effort to sort through and assemble relevant material – no easy feat. I’m sure she’ll love it!

3) A Super Cute Cuddly Pet

Whether she loves sweet kittens, adorable puppies or darling little bunnies, a pet would make a great gift if she’s moving away to another city and will be living alone. A pet can offer companionship and soft cuddles when she feels lonely and cheer her up when she’s down. So cute!

4) A Personalised ‘Graduate’ T-Shirt.

We’ve all seen those personalised ‘Bride to Be’ robes and sashes around. Why not put a spin on tradition and opt for a personalised ‘Graduate’ T-Shirt for her. After years of studying, this is something she can wear with pride at any time to show off her success after she ditches the graduation robe following the ceremony.


5) A Sassy, Relateable Subject Token

A subject token is an extremely  versatile gift, given that it can be practically anything that relates to her subject, particularly something from pop culture. If she’s a Chemistry graduate, how about a comical ‘Big Bang Theory’ mug for example or a charming piece of ‘Suits’ merchandise for a law graduate. This is a great way not only to celebrate her graduation, but also the subject that she graduated in, given that she is clearly very passionate about it. That’ll surely put a smile on her face!

6) A Laptop

Admittedly, this isn’t a conventionally emotional gift, however it is a practical one that she will highly appreciate, particularly if she is starting a graduate scheme or new job following graduation and is strapped for cash. Laptops and other important gadgets can be costly, yet necessary in the working world and the expenses add up very quickly; See it as taking a load off!

7) A Spa Weekend

Booking her a serene spa weekend at a quaint country hotel venue away from the hustle and bustle of the city is the perfect remedy for years of built up uni stress. Graduation is the perfect timing for this gift as she’ll finally be able to immerse herself in relaxation without having the worry of Monday’s dreaded uni deadlines sitting at the back of her mind!


8) Glitzy Gift Card

Depressing as it is, spending student life broke and having to compromise on the latest style trends is something of a rite of passage in life. Chances are, she’ll need a new, sickeningly stylish, sophisticated wardrobe for her post grad life in the big wide world, so this gift is perfect to give her a boost! Why not add a hint of glamour to the joy of graduation by treating her to a gift card she can use to shop ’till she drops! who doesn’t love a good shopping spree?

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9) Personalised Graduation Pillow

She’ll love a good cuddly pillow. Like the T-Shirt, this is a great way to keep the spirit of graduation alive long after it’s over and it’s something she can use wherever she goes. If she is moving, this is a cool accessory that will add a touch of homeliness and spruce up her new place immediately!


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10) A Glamourous Pair of Heels

A pair of chic Heels is a staple in the sophisticated post grad wardrobe, particularly for fancy events and parties that she’ll no doubt enjoy in the working world! So get her that gorgeous pair of heels that she’s been eyeing for ages – she’ll love you forever!

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So, there are my ideas for the perfect college graduation gifts for her. I hope this got your creative juices flowing and the ideas coming! What are your ideas for the perfect college graduation gifts for her? Let us know in the comments!

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