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10 Classic Books You Need To Read At Least Once

10 Classic Books You Need To Read At Least Once

Books are the most valuable knowledge resource, and if you are new to reading, here's 10 classic books you definitely need to read!

George R.R. Martin once said, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies… The man who never reads lives only one.” If you just start your reading journey, these are the 10 classic books you probably want to start with! Just a note for you, these are not a novel list, but it’s truly worth reading!

Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus By John Gray

You’ve probably heard about this book before. This is a classic book that everyone should read at least once in their life. It is such a huge mistake to enter life, I mean love, without any basic knowledge about it. Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus by John Gray is an amazing book for the starter to understand the opposite sex.

The book indicates common problems exist in a relationship. Of course, the problem mentioned in the book is not completely true for everyone because we are all different, but by understanding and being well-prepared is a great way to start off a relationship.


Check it out!

Think And Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill

13 principles mentioned in Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill will surely help you to be “rich”, not only financially, but also in various aspect of life. Even though the book was written 1937, the idea of this classic book is still true and can be applied in this everyday life, as long as you really want to be “rich”. The book will give you precisely the information and the analysis of every principle you need in order to succeed.


So, let’s get rich with this book right now!

Never Eat Alone By Keith Ferrazzi And Tahl Raz

It is never to late to read this classic book by Keith Ferrazzi and Tahl Raz. The book talks about one of the key successes in life: networking. The author knew in his early life that relationship is what we should count on in order to be a success, Never Eat Alone gives you tons of advice in order to communicate better and increase your network circle.


Check this book out!

Ikigai By Albert Liebermann and Hector Garcia

“Ikigai” is a Japanese means “things that you live for”, “the reason why you jump out of bed every morning”. This concept was noted by Hector Garcia to unlock our living potential, how we can live long and happily. If you want to find a purpose of life, the reason why you’re always happy among the busy life, then this is a top choice classic book for anyone!


Check it out!

For Dummies Book Series By Various Author

Are you considering learning some new skills? Speaking and reading French? Spanish? Learning how to play guitar? Or even learning about law and marketing? Dummies Book Series are highly recommended. These book series were written by the various author about various topics such as life (relationships, games, personal finance, etc), learn (art, languages, photography, etc).


Check it out!

The Law Of Attraction By Esther & Jerry Hicks

If you want to understand more about how the universe works then this is one of the classic books. The book will give you knowledge about how you can manifest anything thing you want in life. Maybe you might not believe in the law of attraction, but the book might help you to boost your mood!


Check it out!

How to Win Friends and Influence People By Dale Carnegie

You must have heard about this classic book by Dale Carnegie. This book is designed to give you some self-help and it is one of the best selling books in the world. It offers advice about how to behave, communicate in order to be successful in life. You must add this book into your bookshelves right away.


Check it out!

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I Am Gifted, So Are You By Adam Khoo

One of the most recommended books ever. I highly recommend this book for you and your friends, especially if you have small kids. This whole book is about the life-changing lessons of the author himself. It contains the learning techniques advice for students, even adults, teaches the reader how to be more confident, how to manage their time better. A book to change your working and studying attitude, why not?

Check it out!


You Can Read Anyone By David J. Lieberman

With various techniques applied in specific reality settings mentioned in You Can Read Anyone by David J. Lieberman, the book’s aim is to help you to read others’ mind and emotions. If you’re wondering what other people think about you, about some specific situation, then this book is highly recommended for you to gain the upper hand in any conversation!

Check it out!


Outliers By Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers are one of the most influencing books in the whole world which help you to answer the question you’ve always been wondering: why there are many people who are more successful than the others? The books indicate various social, culture and generation analyzing in order to help you answer that specific question. So, why not try to read this book at least once in your life to know that successful secret?

Check it out!


Let us know what do you think after finishing reading these books in the comment box below!

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