
Chia Seeds Benefits: Everything You Need To Know

Just like Cranberries, Chia seeds are classified as a ‘Superfood’. Their benefits are multiple, and it is really easy to integrate them into your daily diet. Chia seeds come from Mexico and belong to the sage family.  Their nutritious qualities contribute to the good state of your skin and health. Well-known amongst sportsmen – especially runners – chia seeds are sometimes called the ‘Indian Runner Food’. So there is no more excuse for you to not try it!

Here is the top 5 of everything you need to know about chia seeds.

1. High in Omega 3

Thanks to its high levels of Omega 3, consuming regularly chia seeds will contribute to the hydration of your skin, hair and mucous. It also helps your nervous system – if you’re a student, you might have that extra focus thanks to the chia seeds! Great for memory, they simply make your life not only healthier, but easier too.

2. Anti-Inflammatory properties

Perhaps a virtue not known by many, these seeds support your immune system and help your organism to protect itself from exterior day to day aggressions such as pollution, processed foods and stress.

3. A source of Antioxidants

Chia seeds contain Vitamine E and flovanol – both are antioxidant-, that will protect your organism against diseases such as cancer. Vitamine E found in carrots will help your eyesight. It also contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.

4. Helps you stay slim

Chia seeds are loved by vegetarians and vegans, who use them a lot in their diet. They are interesting from a dietary point of view. Indeed, packed with essential amino acids, they are known to inflate when they are in contact with water. Thanks to this, they help you regulate your hunger as they signal to your brain that you are full. So, it’s definitely a great idea to prepare snacks with chia seeds (check out the recipe below!). If you want to maintain your weight or lose a little bit before summertime and to maximise the digestive virtues of chia seeds, it is recommended to blend them with a liquid such as tea, juice or water.

5. Anti-ageing virtues

Thanks to their anti-stress virtues and all of their nutritious properties, chia seeds help the regeneration of your skin cells. Great source of fibre, they will help you to stay fit and healthy.

How to consume these seeds?

Use them as a topping on your salads or your favourite yogurt! You can also mix them with some orange juice, let the mixture aside for about 10 mins and end up with a tasty and fresh jelly. You can also use them to prepare your smoothies or an energy shake.

Exclusive Recipe

Try this lactose-free dessert at home during snack time or just after working out. Easy and practical, you will never love chia seeds more than now!

Method for 4 people,  15 mins preparation:

Mix together in a salad bowl the following ingredients:

See Also

30 gr of soy yogurt, 15 cl of almond milk, 1 teaspoon of liquid vanilla extract and 2 tablespoons of agave syrup.

Add to the mixture 30gr of chia seeds. Put aside for 30 mins. Mix and dispose in small glasses 3/4 full.

Let the preparation cool in the fridge for 1 night. Then, the next day, peel and cut 2 kiwis and 1/4 of pineapple into pieces. Put the fruit on top of the mixture.

Extra tip: you can add 2 tablespoons of orange juice to benefit from even more vitamins.


What Do You Like About These Seeds? Let Us Know In The Comment Section Below?

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