Looking for cheap festival makeup? Festival season is fast approaching and more and more shops are catering to a festival look. Glitter and bright colours are in store for anyone attending any up and coming festivals and here I’ve compiled the ultimate list to finding the best products for the best prices.
Primark currently has a fantastic range of make up at a super low cost and for festival wear it’s the perfect place to shop. This set of three hair glitters is perfect for a weekend of glitter and drink, maybe your hair is getting a little greasy and you can’t be bothered to queue for a shower, then just throw a bit of glitter into your roots and you’re good to go! Plus, the super low cost means if you do accidentally lose a pot or three then they’re easily replaceable. A really great option when it comes to cheap festival makeup!
Eyelashes are a festival staple. You want everything to be bigger and more bombshell than your everyday life, that’s festival life. These eyelashes are just that, they’re long and flowy and perfect for a festival day of fun.
For when black is boring and you want to mix it up for the wild weekend ahead. This gold eyeliner is also being sold as a body liner so could be used to create some temporary tattoos or intricate face designs that are that little bit different.
Face gems are already a style on the nightclub scene, which means they’re only going to be bigger and better in this years festival scene. From researching companies who make face gems, these ones by Barry M seem like the best option for your money. Costing only £4.99 and having wonderful gems, some of which are multi-tonal so could be worn across the weekend. Barry M does also offer these jewels in different patterns and colours so you should be able to find something to suit for the festival weekend. Another great pick when it comes to finding cheap festival makeup!
Maybe you’ve already explored the face jewel avenue and want something a little extra? The Gypsy Shrine have an answer for you, offering boob jewels which are essentially bejewelled nipple covers which could sparkle through mesh or maybe work as protectors from accidental nip slips. These jewels are more expensive, but then again you only want the best for your girls, right?
These amazing lip toppers work both on their own and also with lipstick underneath. The formula is incredibly long lasting whilst the sheen is perfectly holographic to create that modern alien look that is very fashionable and very chic. These lip toppers are available in four colours: Spellbound, which has mostly pale pink and silver tones. Wizard, which has blue and purple tones. Mermaid, which is a much deeper and heavier pink. Hex, which is a deep plum tone. They’re fantastic value for money and would look amazing any day of the week.
This glitter is chunky. It has fantastic shapes and shards in different colours that all blend nicely with silver. Fine glitter is fabulous for a club or a bar, but for a festival it has to be stepped up and this thick glitter is where festivals are now. The shards will sparkle on your cheekbones and showcase your alien/mermaid look in a way that fine glitter would never have been able to. This is a great option when it comes to cheap festival makeup, you literally can’t go wrong with glitter!
Highlighter: it’s huge at the moment both at festivals and in normal makeup. But this highlighter by I Heart Revolution is just your perfect companion for the festival season. Rather than sticking to traditional shined skin toned, this company has gone for pinks and yellows to complement the sun and maybe your tanning skin. This is a highlight to be seen.
Maybe tattoos are your thing, but only for the weekend before you have to go back to work. If so then these gold and black tattoos by Rimmel are perfect. They work the same as the temporary tattoos you had as a child, except these ones are geometric and shiny and not the Powerpuff girls. They can be applied to any part of your body and can add that little extra sparkle to your festival look.
Maybe for you all of these individual products are too much and you just one simple package with all of the essentials that you can rock for the weekend. Then MUA have answered your prayers and come up with their Festival Kit. This kit includes an eyeshadow palette with some sparkle, a holographic highlight, a lip kit and a four in one brush for the whole kit. A great deal when choosing cheap festival makeup!
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