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Celebrity Vegans And What They Eat To Keep Healthy

Celebrity Vegans And What They Eat To Keep Healthy

Celebrity Vegans And What They Eat To Keep Healthy

Being Vegan has always been considered one of the most healthy and nutritious food diets available these days. In a nutshell,  a Vegan is a person who does not eat or use animal products such as honey, milk, wool or leather. There has been a growing trend of Veganism amongst Celebrities in which many of them have adopted the Vegan lifestyle long-term, and have claimed there have been endless benefits to their dietary change.  Here, we’ll reveal a few of the Celebrities who either are, or have tried Veganism, what they eat, and their thoughts and opinions on Veganism as a whole.

Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson became a temporary vegan – cutting out animal products in the two-week run-up to her Wedding. A source told Us Weekly: “Jessica did a vegan diet for about two weeks…She also got quite a few B12 shots.” The US Pop singer and star, who has been a spokesperson for Weight Watchers in the past, also embarked on a strict fitness regime before her big day, doing hardcore workouts with her trainer including high cardiovascular workouts and weightlifting.

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez has gone vegan recently – and confesses that it has given her a lot of energy and strength within her body and mind: “Being vegan, it’s basically no dairy, no meat, everything is just plant-based and just from the ground…I love that I’m eating more greens. It makes you feel so much better.”  J-Lo said she’d recommend it as a diet for keeping slim and lean, but does confess to missing non – vegan ingredients such as butter: “Butter is the one thing I miss! Butter makes everything taste better.”


Jay Z & Beyonce

Jay Z announced his plans to go vegan on his Life & Times blog in December 2013. The US rapper wrote: “On December 3rd, one day before my 44th birthday, I will embark on a 22 Days challenge to go completely vegan, or as I prefer to call it, plant-based!! I will post my progress… Any professional Vegans out there that have any great food spots please help out! Please ha. I don’t know what happens after Christmas. A semi-vegan, a fully plant-based diet? Or just a spiritual and physical challenge? We’ll see…” The rapper also added that his wife Beyoncé will be joining him, too – how sweet…a couple of Vegans!

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Natalie Portman

Long-time vegetarian Natalie Portman went Vegan in 2009 after reading Jonathan Safran Foer’s Eating Animals. She took her love for being a Vegan even further when she decided to write a blog about it on The Huffington Post. “The human cost of factory farming — both the compromised welfare of slaughterhouse workers and, even more, the environmental effects of the mass production of animals — is staggering,” she wrote.


The US Actress and beauty returned to vegetarianism during her 2011 pregnancy, US Weekly reports, citing that her body was craving foods made with eggs and cheese. Post-pregnancy, Portman got back onto the animal-free lifestyle. Her 2012 wedding was actually catered with an all-vegan menu.

 Must-Read Tips If You’re Thinking About Going Vegan
  1. Take it easy. Some people go Vegan overnight, and they never look back. …
  2. Do your homework. …
  3. Start with dishes you know and love. …
  4. But be adventurous, too. …
  5. Think creatively about adaptation. …
  6. Make your own dairy substitutes. …
  7. Learn how to work wonders with tofu and tempeh. …
  8. Don’t turn your nose up at Vegan products!

What Vegan based foods and recipes can you recommend to try? Are there any other Celebrities that are Vegan which you think look fabulous and fit? Comment and let us know!

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