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Battle Of The Boutiques: Missguided vs. Boohoo vs. PLT

Battle Of The Boutiques: Missguided vs. Boohoo vs. PLT

Whether you prefer Missguided, Boohoo or Prettylittlething when it comes to boutique fashion, all three brands have amazing offers and trendy clothing!

Fast fashion is taking over our lives and feeding our online shopping addictions. Convincing us that we constantly need new outfits, drawing us in with sales, and tempting us with their low prices and luxury fashion knock-offs. With so many trying to grab our attention, we need to decide which one deserves our hard earned money (or student loan) and deserves to be the queen of the Student Boutiques. Now, Missguided, boohoo, and PrettyLittleThing (PLT) all have unique selling points, and they all try to address a different kind of girl.

1. Missguided

Out of all three, Missguided offers the biggest student discount at a whopping 30%! How could you say no to that? They definitely appeal to a certain group of gals, that’s for sure. If you’re rebellious, a bit of a biker chick, in love with black and looking for something particularly seductive, Missguided is definitely the winner for you! They pride themselves on stripped down and black styles, revealing what makes a woman, a woman and generally ensuring you look as sexy as hell! They have the balance just right between showing off your best assets in a mature way while releasing your true personality tastefully.



2. boohoo

With such a huge array of products they offer, you can’t go wrong no matter the occasion or your personal style choices. At the most affordable prices out of the three, boohoo is sure to sort you right out and keep your bank balance in check too. If you label your style as the ‘girl next door’ then Boohoo can tick all your boxes, as I believe that this is the kind of girl that they are mainly designing for. Keeping up with constant sales, offers and new releases mean boohoo is doing everything in their power to ensure you can keep it classy and conservative, but a little bit cheeky also.


3. PrettyLittleThing (PLT)

I have decided to end with these because I feel like they are just on a completely different level. Yet again, they offer sales and offers galore, gorgeous prints and use beautiful gals to draw you in. A little pricier than the others but this is because you’re paying for good quality! They looove the glitz and glam and cheeky side boob shots, but also commit themselves to cute cover-ups, flattering flares, and luxurious long length gowns. PLT is always money well spent, boosting our self-confidence to level 100.


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So, whether you’re the girl next door, a feisty one or someone that’s all about the glitz and the glam, all three are perfect choices. They obviously know what we students like and continuously get their trends and pieces on point. Where would we all be without our quick fix online boutiques? Probably a lot poorer than we currently are.

Out of boohoo, Missguided and PLT, which boutique is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

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