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5 Birth Control Methods To Choose From Before Getting The Pill

5 Birth Control Methods To Choose From Before Getting The Pill

The minefield of contraception is a daunting subject, and can sometimes be hard to talk about or hard to find the right information about what there is to offer. The pill is the most common form of contraception, however, there are many other options. Here are 5 alternative birth control methods.

The minefield of contraception is a daunting subject, and can sometimes be hard to talk about or hard to find the right information about what there is to offer. The pill is the most common form of contraception, however, there are many other options that may, in fact, work even better for you as an individual… and here are 5 alternative birth control methods.


This is a great form of contraception that can also help prevent STI’s. Being 98% effective, available to buy and pick up at every pharmacy, GP or clinic. Although condoms are typically for males, they do a female alternative too. These are a great thing to keep stocked up on if you are in need of contraception or not!

The Implant

The implant is a tiny rod that is inserted into the inside of your upper arm. It is known to prevent pregnancy for up to three years by releasing hormone progestogen into the body not allowing a pregnancy to occur and is 99% effective. For us girls with a terrible memory, it means we no longer need to set a timer on our phone to remind us to take our pill. Phew!


IUD – aka the coil

This requires a doctor or nurse putting a t-shaped device that sits inside the womb. Like many of the other contraception options, this is also 99% effective in protecting against pregnancies. This is a great option for people who have no intention of conceiving for unto 5-10 years.

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The contraception injection

This injection is done through your bum-cheek and typically lasts between 8-13 weeks depending on which one is chosen or recommended by your doctor. Again, a whopping 99% effective! The injection releases a hormone progestogen that prevents pregnancy.


Contraceptive diaphragm/cap

This one may seem a little daunting to some, however, there is nothing daunting about this great little device that prevents pregnancies. It is a small cap/dome shape made from silicon that covers the cervix which prevents sperm entering the uterus. This is a quick fix option of contraception that doesn’t require a doctor or nurse to insert – just a lot of practice and knowledge … gulp.

Do you use any of these birth control methods? Let us know in the comments below!
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