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The Best Ways To Reduce Waste In Your Everyday Beauty Routine

The Best Ways To Reduce Waste In Your Everyday Beauty Routine

Trying to find ways to reduce waste? Check out our tips to that will make you reduce waste for your everyday beauty routine.

Everyone wants to be more eco-friendly, and one of the ways to do this is to reduce waste. You might not think about your beauty routine as being particularly wasteful, but if you actually think about it, you may generate far more waste than you realise. This waste not only consts the planet, but it will also be costing you money. Here are the best ways to reduce waste in your everyday beauty routine.

1. Buy A Reusable Face Cloth

When you take off your makeup, it can take a lot of of cotton pads/makeup wipes to do so. Both if these things are no recyclable, and so generate waste. If you buy a reusable washcloth for your face (like Feel Unique’s Makeup Eraser), you can take your makeup off again and again without creating a mountain of rubbish, thus reducing waste and making your nightly routine a whole lot faster.

2. Make The Most Of Your Products

If you use products in squeezy tubes, though you may think you’ve completely used all the product, you’d be surprised. If you take a pair of scissors and carefully snip off the end of the product, you’ll find a load of product lurking at the bottom that you can transfer into a pot that can be sealed for future use. This means that you will only throw away your products when you’ve used every single bit of it, thus producing less waste.


3. Measure Out What You Need

When putting on makeup, it’s easy to waste foundation or concealer as you don;t know how much you use. To prevent this, squeeze your liquid makeup products into a teaspoon and find out just how much you need to use. Once you find our how much this is, you won’t waste any makeup anymore, and you’ll reduce waste in your everyday beauty routine.

4. Get Rid Of Your Disposable Razor

Disposable razors are notorious for only having a couple of uses before we throw them away. One of the ways to reduce waste and stop contributing to the landfill, invest in a razor with refillable razor heads or even an electric razor. You’ll be surprised at the difference this makes both to you and your routine, as oftentimes razors with refillable heads will be longer-wearing and sharper, meaning less razor burn for you and less waste in the environment.

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5. Refresh Your Products

It can be annoying when you come to the end of a foundation bottle or your mascara gets dried up, but this does not have to be the end of them. A couple of drops of saline solution in a mascara tube can give you more wear out of your mascara, and some facial moisturiser shaken in with your foundation will get the still-usable product out of the nooks and crannies of the bottle, and give you another few days worth at least of your product. This will help you save money in the long run, and ensure that you get the most out of your products.

6. Shop For Brands With Recycled, Recyclable Or No Packaging

One of the great ways to reduce waste is to buy brands that do it for you, or can help you on your way. By buying products with recycled, recyclable or no packaging, it can be useful in more ways than one – you’ve bought a product that produces less waste, and you’ve let companies know that you support them using recycled or little packaging. Companies that follow these packaging methods include Lush, L’Occitane, Dior, Burt’s Bees and Garnier.

What are your suggestions for ways to reduce waste in your everyday beauty routine? Let us know in the comments!

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