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The Best Ways To Find A Gym Buddy Without Looking Too Desperate

The Best Ways To Find A Gym Buddy Without Looking Too Desperate

Do you like working out but get bored doing it alone? Well, check out these ways to find a gym buddy that will totally help make working out more exciting!

Some people love to work out with other people, they enjoy themselves much more, usually due to the mutual motivation, and also their comfort levels increase when they are surrounded by friends, they are able to work out with ease. Here are some ways to find a gym buddy without appearing in any way desperate, as that is never the intention!

Every successful fitness journey or body transformation I’ve personally witnessed had one thing in common: an improved support system. It’s quite possibly the most important factor for long-term fitness success. Motivation is great to get you started, but it’s a finite resource that typically runs out quickly. Finding something else—or someone—to keep you in the gym and adherent to your fitness regimen is a must!

The answer is right in front of you. It’s the people. Making friends could make your experience in the gym 500% more enjoyable. (No studies to show this yet, but we are very much certain.) Gym friends hold you accountable, provide friendly competition, and make the experience a lot more fun. But meeting people can be hard! I know from personal, introverted experience. And we’ve all seen or heard about those awkward gym encounters that feel like a surprise speed-dating session! You don’t want to be that person. So here are couple of ways to help you out and approach people in a welcome, unobtrusive way.


1. (A  useful network)

As the world’s largest network for special-interest groups, it’s tough not to be inspired by the fun things people are signing up for on this site. You can find anything from a local hiking group to meet-ups for exercising with your pets.


With a focus on young professionals, this organization is a great way to sign up for intramural teams, classes, clinics, and social events. Part of the proceeds go to charity, making this a worthwhile way to meet an exercise buddy.

3. LivingSocial/Groupon Deals

Thanks to the deeply discounted prices for fitness-related classes, it’s easier than ever to sign up for anything from yoga classes to rock-climbing lessons. The dopamine rush from trying something new (like trapeze, perhaps?!) can create a bond between people, so strike up a convo with someone else in your class…she could be the workout buddy you’ve been searching for!


4. Ask Your Trainer/Gym Staff Member

Talk to a professional at your gym to see if she knows of anyone who is interested in finding a workout partner. The trainer will know both of your skills and interests — and it never hurts to go through a mutual acquaintance.

This may seem obvious, but working out is actually a great way to spend time with friends who you seem to lose touch with or go months without seeing. Instead of letting your busy lives get in the way of bonding time, you can take a monthly or weekly class together to stay fit — while you catch up! This is one of the easiest ways to find a gym buddy!


The title says it all, right? All you have to do is enter your city and a little information about yourself, and you might find a perfect match! This is one of the really easy ways to find a gym buddy!

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6. Find The perfect Gym Buddy At Work

Have a coworker who seems like she’s just as interested in healthy living as you are? Talk to her about it! You may find that you have fitness goals in common, and because you see each other every day and have similar schedules, it will be easy to plan time to exercise!

7. Converse With The Staff

The club manager and coaches are your golden ticket to introductions to other members.


8. Take Advantage Of Any Free Personal Training Or Consultations

Even if you know your way around the gym, meeting with one of the most outgoing people in the gym can’t be a bad thing. It’s an easy way to make a friend on day one without awkwardly approaching anyone.

9. Be consistent

Working out at the same time each day is a great way to become familiar with other people on the same schedule.

Are you going to try any of these ways to find a gym buddy? Let us know in the comments below!

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