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15 Best Travel Quotes To Fuel Your Wanderlust

15 Best Travel Quotes To Fuel Your Wanderlust

If there’s one thing can really fuel your wanderlust and get you inspired to finally book that dream holiday, its the endless inspirational travel quotes that will have you yearning to book your next flight in no time! If you’re a globe trotter and are in need of some major holiday inspo, then you need to read our 15 best travel quotes that will definitely fuel your wanderlust!

1. Man Cannot Discover…

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore”. This one is truly inspiring if you’re young and interested, yet slightly terrified, of solo travel! If you’re going to have the experience of a lifetime and travel to amazing countries that you could only dream of, you just need to take the plunge and push yourself outside your comfort zone.


2. It Is Not Down In Any Map…

“It is not down in any map; true places never are”, and how true this is. Often the most amazing and memorable places we visit or experiences we have were not planned nor obvious, they’re simply discovered and enjoyed thoroughly.

3. Better To See Something…

“Better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times”, exactly! If you’re constantly hearing about all these incredible countries, cities or places over and over again, why not just visit them yourself instead of enviably listening to the people that have.

4. Climb That Goddamn Mountain…

“Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain”. If you’re just gliding through life, working your 9 to 5, you will miss out on so many incredible experiences! Grasp any opportunity that comes your way and travel to places you never thought possible while you can, because life is too short not to.


5. Fill Your Soul…

“Jobs fill your pocket, but adventures fill your soul”. This travel quote truly has hit the nail on the head; travelling the world is something indescribable and irreplaceable and always has and always will be the most enriching part of your life for your mind, body and soul.

6. It’s Possible…

“All you need to know is that it’s possible”. If you want something and it’s possible, you can make it happen! Tokyo? New York? Milan? Potentially your dream holiday, so make it happen!


7. Lost In The Right Direction…

“It feels good to be lost in the right direction”, and it really does! Often, wondering through a new city exploring things for yourself and learning about new cultures as you go is more liberating and exciting than all the plans you make in advance. So, instead of planning an itinerary next time you’re in a new country, just get lost, trust me!

8. To Travel Is To Live…

The travel quote “to travel is to live” is not short of the truth. Travelling is one of the most liberating experiences you will ever have and definitely the time in your life where you will feel most alive.

9. Be Curious…

“Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures”. YES! Always be curious and adventurous and eager to learn because there is so much to see and do that curiosity will carry you through some of your most memorable experiences. Simply getting involved and being inquisitive is a rule to always following when living your travelling dreams.


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10. Modesty…

“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world”. This will only resonate with you if you have experienced the world outside of your own little personal world. Theres so much to see and do on our planet, that once you see them, you’ll realise how small-minded you once were and will appreciate the world for all its different cultures, climates and craziness.


11. Take Only Memories…

“Take only memories, leave only footprints”. This should apply to everywhere you go. Even when you’re living out your wildest dreams and having the time of your life, its important to take away just memories and a few good pictures and ensure that you are caring for and preserving the countries you visit.

12. Turns You Into A Storyteller…

“Travelling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller”. This is perhaps the most relatable travel quote I have ever seen. Most places you visit will make you totally speechless yet will leave you telling stories for the years to come.

13. Travelling Makes You Richer…

“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer”. Not richer in money or possessions, but experiences and knowledge; the two things everyone should aspire to be rich with.


14. Moments, Not Things…

“Collect moments, not things”. Anyone can acquire possessions and materialistic objects, but they’re way less valuable than the moments you will have and cherish forever.

15. Work, Travel, Save, Repeat…

“Work, travel, save, repeat” should really be the cycle that everyone lives their life by! Instead of working to stay alive, work to actually live. Trust me, there’s a difference!

Did these travel quotes help fuel your wanderlust? Let us know about any trips you’re currently planning in the comments!

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