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The Best Travel Instagrams That You Should Be Following

The Best Travel Instagrams That You Should Be Following

These travel experts know how to create the best wanderlust envy. So if you need any travel inspo or just want to make your Instagram feed a bit more interesting, here are the best travel Instagrams that you should be following.
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These travel experts know how to create the best wanderlust envy. Whether they’re camping in the safari, island hopping around the Bahamas or lost in a winter wonderland, these travel influencers know how to inspire. So if you need any travel inspo or just want to make your Instagram feed a bit more interesting, here are the best travel Instagrams that you should be following.

1) The Common Wanderer

This Aussie couple Mark and Mim make up The Common Wanderer. Their adventures help inspire the roamers and travellers in all of us. From exploring Lapland to sunbathing in Croatia, they open our eyes to the wonders that travel show us. Visit their website, The Common Wanderer, for more wanderlust envy and maybe some inspiration.

2) GirlvsGlobe

Sabina is the heart of the travel blog GirlvsGlobe where she inspires everyone with her eco-friendly travels, volunteering and her generally happy attitude to the world we live in. She inspires her followers to not only travel but to do so in a way that helps the Earth. Now that’s a passion we can get behind.


3) WishWishWish

Carrie Santana da Silva brings together travel, fashion and lifestyle in her Instagram posts. She manages to even make London look like it should be on your travel bucket list. From India to Las Vegas, her Instagram is one you have to follow. And she always looks fabulous no matter where she is.

4) Chelsea Kauai

This Hawaii native babe shows her appreciation for this beautiful earth in all corners of the globe she explores. If beautiful nature scenes are for you, then you definitely need to follow this girl. From beautiful mountain climbs to deep ocean dives, she’ll bring the best nature to your feed.

5) Hey Ciara

Ever wanted to do some solo travelling but lack the confidence? Then this gal will give you all the solo travelling inspo you will ever need. Ciara reveals tips on how she travels, how to make sure you’re safe when travelling alone and why you don’t have an excuse not to. Excuse me whilst I book my one-way flight.

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6) Arnelle

Arnelle Lozada combines her love of travel and photography to tell compelling stories within her posts. She emphasises purposeful travel and is a co-founder of GoodTravels which has a mission to empower people to travel for positive social and environmental impact. Her posts will definitely inspire you.

7) Travel In Her Shoes

This polish born, Aussie educated traveller makes us green with envy with her travel feed. After living in Australia for 13 years, she bought a one-way ticket to LA and hasn’t looked back since. From being at sea to the Jordan desert, she definitely makes us want to spend a day in her shoes.


8) Find Us Lost

This LA native couple traded their lives for a one-way ticket to Europe. It’s true what they say, a couple that travels together stays together and Selena and Jacob give us major travel inspo. Now to find a partner to travel the world with…

Are these the best travel Instagrams to follow? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
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