Uni Life

The Best Places To Cry At Nottingham Trent University When You Just Can’t Deal

Exams, essays, a bunch of deadlines and all that hard stuff. Even the strongest people would shed a few tears at the stressful times that university brings upon us. So when things get a bit too much, and you’ve just got to let it all out, you just have to find the right place, have a good cry and leave feeling lighter. Here are the best places to cry at Nottingham Trent University, when things get a bit too hard to handle.

1. The Newton building

I would be lying if I said I haven’t broken down a few times in the cosy, hidden from view chairs at the main building at Nottingham Trent University. It’s the main building, so a lot of stuff goes on there; might as well cry there as well. People are busy dealing with their own stuff, so no one will probably notice, even if it happens in plain view. You can let those tears run free. This is one of the best places to cry at Nottingham Trent University.

2. The library

Your most stressful time is most likely to happen in a library, as you rush to finish up that 2000 word essay. So if things start feeling a bit out of your control, either take a deep breath and continue or just let go and have a cry. You’ll definitely feel better afterwards. Put your head down, hide behind a bookshelf or a computer; pick your position and let loose.

3. The restrooms

What better place to cry than in the solitude of a restroom? Its quick and easy to find when things start overwhelming you and water is available on hand to wash that red face, reapply some makeup and make yourself look presentable before you walk out into the world with your head held high. It’ll be like the all the crying never happened. This is one of the best places to cry at Nottingham Trent University.

4. The backbenches of a lecture hall

Lecture halls are a pretty decent place to cry. With some people paying attention to the lecture, some on their phones, and the rest zoning out, chances are you can sneak in a wee cry in the midst of your lecture. It’s not the best option, considering you aren’t paying attention and that’s just going result in a bigger cry later on, but sometimes you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.

5. Your tutor’s office

Ask any tutor and they’ll tell you about a time a student broke down at their office. The tutors are always available to help and guide you, so if things get too overwhelming, paying them a visit and explaining your worries definitely makes things easier. And if you have cry whilst you’re there then so be it. It’s sure to be a relief when you’ve let it all out to a person who will then help you. This is one of the best places to cry at Nottingham Trent University.

See Also

6. At student support services

Other people who likely to help you are the wonderful folks down at Student Support Services. With services that provide mental and emotional support during stressful times, they exist purely to allow you to have a cry if you need to. Book in an appointment, see a counsellor and cry your heart out. They’ll understand, they’ll help and you’re sure to feel better.

7. The Old Market Square/Trinity Square

If being in and around university sends you into a panic, and you really don’t want to cry where your fellow students can see it, you could take a walk down to Old Market Square or Trinity Squares. These places are so busy that no one will notice if you sat down in a quiet corner and shed a few tears. The fresh air may help you calm down quicker as well. This is one of the best places to cry at Nottingham Trent University.

8. Your room

Your good old room. When you’re at university you tend to share spaces. Whether it be sharing a classroom with fellow students, or sharing a living space with your housemates. But your room- mess and all- is your sanctuary. When everything gets a bit too much, steal away to your room, curl up in the warmth of your bed and cry, or even scream into your pillow. It’ll feel great!

Which of these best places to cry at Nottingham Trent University are you going to try if you need one? Let us know below.

Featured Image: weheartit
Malavika Padinharathra

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