Best Places To Study At The University Of Hertfordshire

The university experience: fending for yourself, meeting new people…going out, drinking… meeting more new people, drinking more with these people…oh yes, and learning and stuff. As we all know, our time at university amounts to much more than the time we spend actually in the university itself. And that’s what makes it so amazing! But alas, if you hope to achieve more than ever increasing student debt by going to uni, you’re probably going to need to spend some time studying in there too. Herts freshers, I bring glad tidings. For the majority of you, first year is a breeze! All you have to do is pass; this year does not count towards your degree classification! Hooray. Keep reading to discover the best places to study at University of Hertfordshire!

1. The green outside De Havilland LRC.

This is best for when you have a novel or textbook to read, or to go over your final revision notes before an exam. Stretch out on the grass, breathe in that fresh air you’ve been missing in the library, and kick your memory into gear.



2. De Havilland LRC.

Now the area you go to in this LRC very much depends on how much noise you can cope with. I can guarantee you all the open computer spaces are full of business students, who generally speak at double the volume of everyone else. Silent study rooms are a good option, but they have their drawbacks. On the one hand, they can be so uncomfortably quiet that you become paranoid about how loudly you breathe.

On the other, they can suddenly become home to students who CLEARLY CANNOT READ, and spend their entire time talking or playing music. (NB. As a sleep deprived, desperate third year student nearing your dissertation deadline, it is ok to shout at these people. And then become paranoid about your loud laboured breathing once you are done shouting.) Personally, I always favour the study room directly to the right of the entrance. It has windows, and whiteboards, and not everybody notices that it is there. So on second thoughts, this is not a recommendation.



3. College Lane LRC

As with De Hav, College Lane offers various areas within its library, but it feels a little more open plan, and has far fewer business students (I’m sorry to pick on you, but seriously, lower the volume.) The larger tables on the ground floor are ideal for studying with friends, and you can put your Iceland Party Platter of snacks in the middle. Now that, is definitely a recommendation.


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4. The single silent study rooms.

Just writing that really feels like it needs a *dun dun dunnn* sounding in the background. Yes, they are like tiny white prison cells with wifi. But right now I speak directly to the dissertation students. Everyone else, go study and live your easy lives.


My friends, this is the time to make use of these rooms that we have laughed at for so long. The first and second years don’t know our suffering, and we must respect their ignorance until it is their time to know, as every other student has done before us.  So please, take your laptops, your books, your sleep deprivation and caffeine to the single silent study rooms, and sob quietly.

Where do you go to study at University of Hertfordshire? Share and comment below!
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