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5 Best Moves For A Firmer Butt That AREN’T Squats

5 Best Moves For A Firmer Butt That AREN’T Squats

Everyone knows that squats are great for lifting, firming and toning your butt. But it's not all about squats, and these moves will give you a firmer butt!

When you’re looking for fitness tips to get a bigger, firmer, rounder butt, you usually find that squats, in various forms, is the answer. Truth be told, squatting is up there with the best exercises to improve the muscles in your booty for that lifted, toned derriere we all so desire. But to really get the best butt possible, you have to include variety in your workouts, so try these five moves for a firmer butt that AREN’T squats.

Butt lifts

Sometimes called ‘Brazilian’ butt lifts, this exercise is really effective at toning not only your butt but your upper thighs, which can be a hot spot for cellulite and a tricky area to train. This is a great low-impact move if you have knee problems which prevent you from squatting. Lay with your knees bent, and simply raise your butt to be level with your knees. If you want to make it harder, hold a dumbbell at your pelvis so you’re using your butt to lift the weight.

Calf raises

You might think this is just a calf-sculpting exercise, but calf raises actually tone your butt and backs of your thighs too. Just stand with your feet hip-width apart, and raise onto the balls of your feet. Just lower your feet again, and repeat. The minute, repetitive movements create a pulsing action which radiates through the backs of your legs and to your butt. After a few reps, calf raises will make your behind feel like it’s on fire.


Donkey kicks

This can be done wrong so often, but when done properly, donkey kicks are one of the most effective exercises for producing a rounder, more toned butt. Donkey kicks rely on keeping a strong frame and your back straight. On all fours, keep your midsection as straight as possible as you raise your leg to form a straight line in line with your back, then return to kneeling. Another way to really firm up your butt is to position your leg such as in the photo below, and pulse it up and down. Remember to keep your back straight and still! Like the calf raises, the small movement of the donkey kick creates a deep burn so you can feel it working!

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Dumbbell deadlift

This amazing exercise incorporates yoga-style movement with toning and weights to ensure a strong, toned derriere. If you’re a beginner and would rather not use a dumbbell then that’s okay, but you might find that the weight actually helps you stay balanced. Stand straight with feet hip-width apart, and, holding the dumbbell, slowly lean over to the floor, raising your leg behind you as you do. Your finished position should look like the photo below. Hold this position and then slowly return to standing position. This is a slower movement with a weight, so you should do less reps with this one, but if you keep form and stay patient, you will feel the muscles in your butt working away to keep your body straight.


Face-down pulses

It really is all about pulsing movements to work the butt muscles like crazy, and this one is no different. You can just use the floor with a cushion under your pelvis, but a bench or stability ball is better. Lie on your stomach and raise your lower legs to form an L shape, and raise your knees off the floor as far as you can, up and down quickly to create that pulse. Make sure you’re making your legs do the work, so your butt muscles contract as your knees are raised, and don’t let your back jerk up. You can also do this move with straightened legs: just raise them so your thighs are touching as little of the floor as possible. But remember to keep the pulsing momentum, it’s a small but extremely effective move for the butt. If you really want a challenge, hold a dumbbell between your feet.

It’s hard work, but if you follow these moves, you’ll see you don’t just need squats for a firmer butt. Have you already tried any of these moves? Let us know any of your best butt exercises!

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