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The 8 Best Instagram Accounts To Follow For Women Empowerment

The 8 Best Instagram Accounts To Follow For Women Empowerment

These Instagram accounts are the best ones you can follow for women empowerment! Let these accounts make you feel like a strong girl!

Women empowerment on social media is something that can give women strength that are fighting against issues, struggling against problems in the workplace or in private life and generally not feeling the strength and importance of being a woman. Many find that social media is a source for bad, setting us unreachable goals and role models for young girls, but we can also look at social media in a positive light that there are many accounts that strive to empower younger girls or women that are struggling. We have looked into the 8 best Instagram accounts to follow for women empowerment when you are struggling or feeling low.

1. The Pants Project

Instagram name: @wearethepantsproject

This is one of the most inspiring Instagrams to follow for women empowerment and for those struggling with identity and infertility. The creator, Natasha Bishop created this non profit organisation for those who like her, were struggling with identity relating to infertility. She has spoken at TedTalks, and also worked with other companies such as Bumble and Hello Treacle to promote this organisation even further! This Instagram promotes self love, and the equality of men and women through peaceful and accepting attitudes! The Pants Project is what it claims to be, promoting love and self acceptance through the power of pants! Showing how something so simple as having a pair of pants that encourages you and makes you feel strong can get you through the problems of any medical or mental problems that you may be facing. A simple mantra, that putting a pair of pants that you think make you feel strong and womanly can encourage your mental state to see the beauty and strength of the female body, something that each and every one of us need to take into account.


2. The Pink Protest

Instagram name: @pinkprotest

The Pink Protest is a group of activists committed to changing huge problems within society such as the stigma against periods, female masturbation and the attitudes against refugees entering England. They are a hub for women’s empowerment, with the encouragement of creating more activists with their weekly ‘On Wednesday’s We Wear Pink And Protest’ which encourages anyone who wants to get involved with ideas and issues that you could protest against! Their Instagram feed is encouraging with over 22k followers, it is an example of strength for women worldwide to protest against the stigma of what makes women normal, there shouldn’t be a need to hide behind our natural instinct!


3. Lady Phyll

Instagram name: @ladyphyll

The queen of female empowerment and identity is Lady Phyll, the Co-Founder and Executive Director of UK Black Pride. UK Black Pride is a celebration of African, Asian, Middle Eastern and Latin American LGBTQ people, and is a symbol of strength to those following. This strong activist is showing just how accepting yourself is the key to happiness, and how identity and strength can be found through the importance of activism. Lady Phyll uses the symbol of Black Pride to stand for freedom for all from oppression, whether that be from the Grenfell Tower injustice to the Queer community being accepted! This is one of the best accounts for women empowerment!


4. Girls Inc.

Instagram name: @girlsinc

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Girls Inc. is a fantastic Instagram to follow to encourage girls to be ‘strong, smart and bold’. Girls Inc was founded in 1864 to support girls and young women with the problems after the Civil War. Today they are encouraging women all over the planet to overcome problems they face physically, mentally and financially. Girls Inc is an incredible organisation that encourages girls to be strong within themselves and accept their identity, it is a non profit organisation that is slowly changing the world, one girl at a time. Their Instagram is an incredible journey of some of the girls that have been supported and encouraged to accept themselves and their walks through life.


5. Gurls Talk

Instagram name: @gurlstalk

A safe and accepting space, Gurls Talk is a place where acceptance is key, whatever your race, gender or sexual orientation! Founded by Adwoa Aboah, she has created a social community of women who are looking to empower eachother no matter what they may have been through or have suffered. Gurls Talk is an identity and women empowering community of activists, creatives and professionals.

Do you have any other accounts that you think show strength and power? Leave a comment below and tell us of your favourite women empowerment account! Or if not, start researching and find some new accounts on Instagram!
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