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10 Best Health And Fitness Gadgets You Should Get ASAP

10 Best Health And Fitness Gadgets You Should Get ASAP

The world of heath and fitness gadgets keeps improving. New items get released every year. Here the 10 best health and fitness gadgets you should get ASAP.

Are you familiar with the new health and fitness gadget fever on the market? The world of health and fitness gadgets keeps improving. New items get released every year. In this article, I am going to introduce you to the 10 best health and fitness gadgets you should get ASAP.

1. Amiigo Fitness Bracelet

The Amiigo Fitness Bracelet is a 2 in 1 gadget. It is made to monitors your lower and upper body movement with two devices, one you wear on your wrist and the other on your shoe.

Get it here:


2. Sensoria Smart Socks

This gadget includes a fitness tracker located on the ankles. The Sensoria Smart Socks act like a fitness coach tells you how well you have been running and how to improve your performance (how fast your pace should be and how to land your feet correctly). But don’t worry, these socks are washable so you won’t stink.

Get them here:

3. Umoro One V2

Umoro One is the ultimate protein shaker/water bottle. It works as a regular water bottle, but when you push a little button, it can release up to 1.5 coop of your favourite protein mix. It’s an essential item for people who regularly workout and need to have their daily dose of protein intake. The time when you had to carry multiple bottles when you had to go to the gym is over.


Get it here:

4. Finis Neptune MP3 Player

Do you like to swim? Do you like to listen to music? With Finis Neptune MP3 Player you can do both at the same time. This makes the music louder and clearer when underwater. It has a capacity of 4 GB to let you stock about 1000 songs. The Finis Neptune MP3 Player’s battery can last for 60 hours.

Get it here:


5. Trace

Trace is a fitness tracker made for people who do extreme sports like skateboarding, surfing and snowboarding. This gadget in meant to be mounted on your sporting board. Trace will register your performance (the place you’ve landed, your speed, maximum height) and synch all the data with a smartphone app.

Get the look


6. Misfit Shine 2

Another tracking device. It mostly comes in the form of a bracelet, pendant or another small object that can fit in your pocket. This gadget tracks your movements and activity to help you achieve the goals you’ve set on your phone. It can also be used as a watch and works on coin batteries which can last for months. Bonus, it’s also waterproof!

Get it here:


7. Sportiiiis

You like to go on a cycling trip? Then, this one is for you. The Sportiiiis checks your speed, heart rate, cadence and power while you cycle. This device can be mounted on your sunglasses for more comfort and receive your stats via voice prompts.

Get it here:


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8. ISpO2 Pulse Oximeter

The ISpO2 Pulse Oximeter plugs into older Apple devices using a 30-pin connector. This device tracks your blood oxygenation levels, perfusion index and pulse rate. It’s a great tool to keep your athletic data stored and safe.


Get the look:

9. HAPIFork

HAPIFork helps you keep a check on your diet and the portions you eat. Its sensors start vibrating when you eat to fast or when the portion size of your meal is not appropriate. All your data can be tracked through an app and transferred with a flash drive.


Get it here:

10. Fitbit Aria 2

Fitbit Aria 2 is a high tech weighting scale. It tracks the body fat percentage and Body Mass Index (BMI) of up to 8 users, then transfer the date wirelessly to your computer so you can check your progress. This device also analyse which type of exercise you need to do in order to achieve your goal.


Get it here:

Do you use health and fitness gadgets? Are there other health fitness gadgets we should get ASAP?  Comment below and share your opinion.

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