10 Of The Best Gifts For College Freshmen That They’ll Love

Searching for gifts for college freshmen? These gifts are great for any freshers whether you are a parent buying for a child, for a friend or for a sibling – these are all uni essentials that will make their lives and their dorm rooms better.
1. Notebooks
Every college freshmen needs a notebook, they are inevitably going to write notes. I find notebooks like these are great because they are divided into sections so you can keep your notes organised even if you are an organised person.
2. Highlighters
What is a notebook without some top-notch colour coding? I love these Stabilo pastel highlighters for highlighting in my notebooks and set texts, plus it is a welcomed change from neon yellow…
3. Plants
I wish I had been gifted more plants! They make the tired, tatty dorm rooms that little bit brighter and if they can take care of a plant then it gives you some hope that they can take care of themselves! I have found that Urban Outfitters has a great selection of plants in adorable pots.
4. Storage Boxes
Whilst this sounds painfully dull, they are in fact very helpful. If you get some cute boxes like these you can fill them up with all sorts of goodies and then you are giving two gifts in one. My aunties gave me a hamper like this filled with cupboard items like pasta and noodles as well as some shower gels and other helpful things and I loved it! And once you’ve emptied all the treats in the hamper you can use the boxes for storing clothes, cleaning products, makeup and what have you.
5. Alcohol
Freshers are renowned for their drinking habits, particularly in the UK. Buying a nice alcoholic gift set is bound to go down well with any fresher – I was given plenty of gin gift sets like the one below.
6. Mugs
Having your own mugs isn’t really something most college freshmen have so gifting a mug is a great gift for a student who loves a hot drink. I thought this one was amusing and relevant!
7. Pajamas
Any time that isn’t spent in party clothes or day clothes for lectures will inevitably be spent in pajamas and comfortable clothes. The gift of comfort is probably one of the best. Asos do loads of PJ’s like these that are so cute and comfy.
8. Laundry Basket
As boring as it is, without a laundry basket dirty clothes would otherwise be laid thick over what was once the carpet. It is also something any fresher probably would not think to buy for themselves. It also acts as a constant reminder that at some point they’ll have to do some washing of their own.
9. Fairy Lights
Most uni decor consists of hundreds of fairy lights. They are a cheap and simple gift most college freshmen are guaranteed to love, plus the really brighten up those dull dorm rooms. These ones spread over the length of the window which are adorable for when you are chilling in your room in the evenings.
10. Cute Cards
Sometimes you cannot go wrong with a goofy card, you can write everything you are trying to say with your gifts and they can keep it forever. I put up all the cards I received on my pinboard so I can always appreciate them.
Have you bought any of these gifts for college freshmen? Have you received any of these gifts? If there are any great gifts you were given as a freshman let us know in the comments below.
Featured Image Source:https://weheartit.com/entry/215506282

Shelby Gibbs is an English Literature and Publishing student at Bath Spa University. Her hobbies include writing, baking and being absurdly organised. You can find her on twitter @shelby1999 and on Instagram @shelbypublishing. Any writing queries please DM me on either of these platforms.