So, you want to invest in a designer handbag? Let’s face the truth, the realm of designer bags can be daunting and a little overwhelming at the best of times. With constant new releases of both new and revamped original styles in different colours, sizes and materials, it can be difficult to decide which model of the Chanel Boy Bag or size Chloe backpack you want spend your hard earned money on. And let’s not lie, considering the sky-high prices of most designer bags on the market at the moment, it’s not an easy decision. However, if you choose the right bag, opting for a designer handbag can be a great investment and will quickly become a staple in your wardrobe, seeing you through from Winter into Summer. Here, I will give you a guide to 6 of the best designer bags on the market at the moment that are actually worth the money and will make you think twice about wasting your money on a new high-street handbag every season.
Often referred to as being in competition with it’s Classic Flap sister, the cross-body ‘Boy Chanel Handbag’ is the far more interesting of the two and is definitely one of the best designer bags. With the Boy bag maintaining a more chunky and structured look with it’s boxy and square shape, it is a more modern version of the Chanel Flap bag and a much more casual alternative. It’s ability to be worn dressed down with with skinny jeans and a white tee for a laid-back daytime look or with a pair of killer heels for a wild night out makes this bag a versatile and timeless piece that is well worth the splurge.
It’s an indisputable fact that Prada is best known for their iconic handbags, one of which has to be the Galleria. In a wide range of colours and sizes, you are guaranteed to find a Galleria bag that suits you perfectly. With it’s roomy interior and cross-hatch patterned exterior which increases it’s durability, it is a bag that can survive everyday use and is perfect for work. After all, who wants a bag you have to tip-toe around?
If you’re more of a hands-free girl, the Chloe Faye Backpack is the perfect investment for you. With the choice of either the ‘Small’ or ‘Mini’ size and a huge range of colour ways to choose from, this bag makes for an extremely versatile piece. Both sizes are big enough to fit your daily essentials, such as your phone, keys, purse and of course your favourite lipstick, making this bag an essential for everyday use, as not only does it look gorgeous, but it also scores serious practicality points.
This Saint Laurent pick is the perfect outfit accompaniment for a hastle-free yet put-together look. It’s simplistic design and streamlined shape make it a timeless piece with the ability to transcend seasons, saving you serious money throughout the year (which I’m sure your bank will thank you for in the long run!). This bag will be your saviour when you can’t find a handbag that goes with that outfit 10 minutes before you’re due to leave the house. It’s essentially the bag version of the LBD and you NEED it in your collection!
This ‘Mulberry Abbey’ bag, in the Small Classic Grain size, is a traditional bucket bag with a modern twist and definitely one of the best high-end bags that the market has to offer. This Mulberry gem, particularly in the Coral Rose colourway, is the perfect effortless cross-body summer bag and is ideal for those hazy summer day trips out. Alternatively, it is equally as stunning paired with an all black outfit in the winter months to brighten up any dull days.
Out of all of the best designer bags available on the market at the moment, Hermes bags are undoubtedly some of the most saught-after. Aside from looking breathtakingly beautiful, Hermes bags look extremely expensive, which is not a bad thing considering the price tag. The quality is also faultless and Hermes bags are always in high demand, which means that the re-sale price will still be high if you ever decide to sell this beauty (which, of course, would be CRIMINAL!). So there you have it, 6 designer bags which are actually worth the hype, but more importantly, worth your extremely hard earned cash. If you’re ready to make the leap into the world of high-end accessories, I hope that this guide has helped you find a designer bag that will float your boat and fulfill all of your designer-bag-needs.
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