How to Choose the Best At Home Hair Dye For Your Hair Type

At home hair dye can be nerve-wracking, and when thinking of dying your hair it is sometimes safer to leave it to the professionals and go visit a hairdresser. But, we know the struggle of finding the time, finding a reputable hairdressers and of course finding the money – god damn student life! Whether your hair is fine, thick, curly, frizzy or coloured, there are great at home hair dye kits available for us to do all by ourselves – but just with a nicer looking price tag! Here are ways to know which at home hair dyes are best for you and your hair…
For Those Going From Blonde To Brown
Going from blonde hair to brown hair is one of the easiest colour transitions. Due to going from a lighter to a darker colour it doesn’t require too much precision or multiple hair dyes to get your desired colour. Whenever dying from your natural colour, box dye’s will latch and take on easier than those with pre-coloured hair. So if your hair is dyed blonde with bleach, the end result may not be the exact colour you had desired. The lighter your hair is the longer you’ll need to leave it on for, or you will possibly need an even darker brown shade. This is a great option if you are choosing to apply at home hair dye!
For Those Going Brown To Blonde
Going from a darker shade can be difficult. If you have pre-dyed brown hair it may take longer to reach that desired blonde, and you may need to choose a box dye that is a brighter blonde than you want. If you hair is at its natural state (without being dyed or highlighted) the transition will be somewhat easier. Choose a box dye that will nourish and protect your hair as blonde shades tend to do a little more damage. To maintain the blonde, opt for purple based shampoo’s and toners to keep the blonde rich and vibrant! This is a great at home hair dye kit!
The Unfortunate Frizzy Hair Gals
The thought of dying our frizzy manes can be daunting, ‘will it make it more frizzy?’ ‘will it damage my hair?’ ‘will it take to the frizz?’ are all worries fellow frizzy hair gals have. When choosing the right at home hair dye we want to chose the oil-infused dyes that will deeply treat and tame those flyaway’s and nourish each and every strand from root to tip! An ammonia-free hair dye is the best option!
For The Dry and Damaged Hair Types
When dying our already dry and damaged hair it can sometimes result it our hair looking worse and becoming even more dry. Before dying our hair it is safer to get our hair in a better state on condition and ensure it is being deeply nourished weeks before hand. If the hair dye doesn’t take well it could only encourage further damaged – and we do not want that! When choosing a hair dye go for the deep oiled dyes like the Nutrisse Creme 4-oil hair dye that will help nourish the hair during the dye.
For Those Big Curls!
Big curls means a lot of coarse curls can be difficult for hair dyes to take to each strand. Before at home dying your hair thoroughly nourish and condition from room to tip and comb throw so there is not tangles or knots. As you typically have more hair than those with straight hair, more than one box dye may be required, so stock up on more than one incase it just doesn’t cover up! When choosing the right hair dye you want to go for the more natural based products.
For Those Wanting That Ombre/Balayage Effect
When wanting something a little more elaborate it is always safer to get it done by a trained professional – trust me! However, this product is a dummy-proof product that allows that trend-setting balayage effect to be done at home – for a very low price! When choosing your hair dye, you want to specifically go for the dyes that are purposely for balayage effect and not just a regular all over hair dye. The box dyes like the L’Oreal Paris Colorista Effect Balayage kit is set up for the at home hair dye ametuers that aren’t too sure what the hell they are doing. It comes with all the equipment needed with simple follow-along instructions to get that salon-like look!
For The Stubborn and Coarse Hair
Just like girls with the curls, having coarse hair can be a little more difficult to dye. When choosing the correct box dye, it is always safer to add an extra one to the basket incase one doesn’t cut it! After the fix dye, the hair may not result in the desired colour and be ever so lighter than the box had described. Coarse hair is typically a little more stubborn to accept dyes onto each strand, so going for a darker and richer shade is wise!
The Darkest Of Darkest Blacks
If you are looking to dye your hair black your usually in for an easy ride! Being the darkest colour possible, whatever your starting hair colour it will easily camouflage over the top and disguise the previous colour. However, when it comes to choosing the right black shade for your hair, your in for a bit off a ball game! A staple black can sometimes become a little grey, so if you are looking for that deeper dark shade, opt for a hair dye that carries slight blue undertones!
For Those Wanting The Bright Colours
For those daring and brave gals wanting to rock a statement colour, dying your hair can be a little challenge. Depending on your starting shade it can always result in a different colour than expected. For those with light hair shades the colour will come out a little brighter and lighter. For those with darker hair the end result will be very vivid and intense. For those with already pre-dyed hair, changing the colour can take a little more resistance and patients, and may require more than one box hair dye!
The Gals With The Fine and Flat Hair
For once in our lives having fine and flat hair can actually benefit us! This is the easiest hair state to dye hair onto, and as we have less hair the box dye manages to reach and grip onto every hair strand from room to tip – and typically last that little bit longer. Fine hair can usually be a little dry and brittle, and snap a lot easier than those with thicker hair, so when choosing a home hair dye, go for the ones that will also nourish and hydrate the hair! Tip: depending on how thin your hair actually is, you may not need to use all the dye in the box!
These are our top pics for at home hair dye! Which of these products have you tried and loved?
*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.