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The Best Advice For Your Final Year At Uni

The Best Advice For Your Final Year At Uni

Some of the best advice for your final year at uni!

The final year of uni can definitely be bitter-sweet. For many students, university is the best time of our lives. You’re in a comfortable limbo in which you are an adult but not quite. You still have got responsibilities and bills to pay, but there’s also time to chill and have a great time. And sadly, it doesn’t last forever. Despite the horror stories, the final year at uni doesn’t have to be spent stressing about deadlines and exams, but rather enjoying the experience of closing a cycle, overcoming challenges and being the best version of yourself. Here’s the best advice for your last year at uni.

Don’t Let The Workload Terrify You

Assignments, exams, and dissertations: it seems like too much a human being at times. Regardless, it’s achievable. So many people have done it after all! The best thing to do is to work consistently rather than flat out. Highlight the important academic dates and work towards each of them every week, little by little.

Look For Work Experience

Getting your dream job is by no means easy. You might have heard that to get that one role you need years and years of experience in the industry. However, there are various, and short work experience placements and internships that will give you useful skills and will look great on your CV. It’s also important to broaden your horizons during your final year at uni. Consider the opportunities which weren’t your first choice, but will definitely make you more employable.


Make The Most Out Of The Student Services

Study skills sessions, career-drop ins and extracurricular activities are designed to give students a hand, useful advice and experience whenever they need it. Talking to another person is always useful in terms of clarifying something you are unsure of, no matter how silly you might think it is.

Keep An Eye On Your Budget

Nobody wants to be stressed out about money. Sometimes you just really need to buy that coffee at the library or hang out in the pub after an exam. The best think to do is watch out your finances and save as much as you can at the beginning of the term during your final year at uni; you’ll want as much money as you can get at the end.

Try To Maintain Your Social Life

Maintaining a social life whilst in your last year can be hard, but you do need to try! You’ll see less of your friends and the number of nights out will be reduced, replaced by study sessions. Not all has to be studying, though. Spending time with friends is important since having someone to talk to reduces your stress levels, and, overall, it helps you enjoy your last bits as an uni student.

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Get Some Sleep!

Sleep is overlooked most of the times. However, a proper, eight hour session of sleep does make wonders. You might be tempted to do an all nigher before a deadline, and survive out of Red Bull and coffee but this shouldn’t become an habit.

Take Care of Your Mental Health

Your emotional and mental health shouldn’t be forgotten especially in the final year at uni. Things can sometimes get overwhelming. So take time in your schedule to indulge in your favourite pastime, go for a short trip or just relax.


What is some advice you would give to students completing their final year at uni? Let us know in the comments below!

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