Sex is great- there is no denying it. It is the ultimate form of physical communication as your body connects with your partner’s and you become one. This skin-on-skin contact not only brings you closer together literally, but also emotionally as a deeper connection is formed when your bodies become compatible with one another, as well as your minds and your hearts. The most obvious benefit of sex is pleasure, but there are so many other awesome benefits of making love which extend beyond the bedroom. In particular, these benefits are increased the more regularly you have sex, so below is a list of all the bonuses of making love everyday – not that many of us need an excuse anyway!
Although certain barriers are broken down during sex, such as emotional or mental ones, regular sex is proven to build up your body’s defense barriers. Regular love making increases the level of the immune-boosting antibody immunoglobulin A (nope I’d never heard of it either), which improves your body’s ability to fight against illnesses such as the common cold, fever, viruses, germs and other nasty intruders. Who knew making love everyday could be so beneficial?
‘When I get that feeling, I want sexual healing’ – these wise words from Marvin Gaye help testify to the amazing benefits of making love every day. Getting intimate with your partner can reduce both stress and anxiety; when you and your partner orgasm, the reward centre of your brain gets a flood of dopamine which is the ultimate fell-good hormone to put you in a good mood. So basically, daily sex is the best prescription for a happier life- what other incentive do you need?
Sex can be exhausting- the ache in your muscles the next day is a sure sign you worked up a sweat. It comes as no surprise then that making love everyday improves sleep. After an orgasm, the hormone prolactin is secreted which triggers feelings of relaxation and sleepiness. This means you will not only nod off quicker, but also have a more relaxed sleep.
As mentioned above, sex is like a work out. Half an hour of love making can burn up to 80 calories, so if you lack the motivation to go to the gym, daily sex is the key to help you shift a bit of flab! Certain positions will increase the amount of calories you burn so switching up positions is like increasing the intensity on your treadmill- you are required to work a bit harder but the results will be better. It engages your muscles, gets your blood pumping and your heart racing!
STOP – don’t pop a painkiller next time you have a headache, have sex instead! At the point of climax, the level of the hormone oxytocin, which reduces aches and pains, increases by five times. Also, there is no excuse not to make love everyday even if your partner is on her period. Sex helps to relieve menstrual cramps due to a relaxation of uterus muscles- plus, the outflow of blood acts as added lubrication to ensure the sex will fill better for her and for you!
Testosterone is a hormone found most predominantly in men and is most often associated with sex drive. One of the benefits of making love everyday is that it increases the levels of testosterone for men which will in turn make them more passionate (which will lead to better sex all around). It also improves their muscles, bones, heart and cholesterol! Don’t worry women, you also benefit from daily sex; increased levels of estrogen help to protect against heart disease, protects nerves and strengthens bones!
Sex plays a vital role in relationships, some couples often admit to a dry patch in their sex life but daily sex can combat this and trigger a livelier sex life. An orgasm releases dopamine which makes you feel good, but which is also associated with addictive behaviours such as smoking. So basically, making love regularly will make you addicted to an extent and increase your sex drive. For women in particular, sex increases vaginal lubrication, blood flow and elasticity- all of which make sex feel better, and which makes women crave it more!
… Don’t worry, not the type of glow associated with expectant mothers! It is a fact that you look better after having sex and your skin adopts a kind of glow- thought to be the combined result of stress relief, a better mood and the flush of blood under your skin, all of which occur during arousal. So making love everyday will ensure your skin looks younger and healthier- banish those anti-wrinkle creams now!
Yes, sex could make you smarter! In March 2013 scientists at the University of Pavia, Italy published results suggesting that people who have regular sex, especially those in new relationships, displayed an increase in cranial nerve growth, which is crucial to mental alertness!
Last but not least, one of the awesome benefits of making love everyday is a stronger and deeper connection with your partner. This will in turn lead to a longer lasting relationship and greater levels of mutual satisfaction- also ensuring neither of you feel the need to look elsewhere…
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