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12 Bedroom Decor Ideas to Brighten Boring Halls

12 Bedroom Decor Ideas to Brighten Boring Halls

Looking for some bedroom decor ideas to make your space more cozy and comfy? Here are our ideas for brightening up your space!

Many of us know what it’s like to open up your new bedroom door and be greeted with the most bland and basic room. Dirty cream walls partnered with tacky curtains is not how you want to live out your uni life. So here’s some bedroom decor ideas that will help brighten any boring and basic interior, and help you feel more comfortable in your home away from home.

1. Theme

No matter who you are or what you’re into, if you’re looking to brighten up your boring halls then start off by picking a theme. This can be a colour scheme or a pattern idea, or something more specific and that caters to your personality; arty, literature, travelling etc. Only you know what you like and what you want so get your theme(s) and off you go!

2. Bursts of Colour

If your budget is tight and you don’t want to splash out on all new things for your room, adding a splash of colour here and there is a great bedroom decor idea. It is simple yet effective if your room is already all one colour, to add a hint of bright colour or pattern to make a statement. Just add a bed throw, a rug, small trinkets or artwork to brighten it up!


3. Curtains

Whether you like bright prints and want to make a statement, or you want to brighten and open up your room with simplistic and elegant colours, new curtains are the way to go. Find a good fit for your window size and a set that suits you, and your boring bedroom decor will instantly be lifted. Bright curtains like these are a great option for bedroom decor ideas!

4. Bedding

The perfect bedding can change the appearance of any dull halls bedroom. Whether you like simplistic and classy or bright and colourful, bedding will compliment your theme and instantly brighten up your entire room. Finish it off with a throw or plenty of cushions too for a dramatic and eye catching look.

5. Statement Rug

Whether you want to hide an ill looking carpet or make your bedroom theme pop, a rug is the perfect compliment to a boring room. Eye catching colours and patterns or matching colour schemes with bedding and room accessories, a rug is the perfect fit for a piece of simple decor for a new bedroom. We think this adds so much cozyness to a room, and is a great option for bedroom decor ideas!


6. Posters

Moving onto fixing up those dull walls, and a simple way to do this is with posters. Whether you fill your walls top to bottom with posters of your favourite celebs or you just dot a few around your room, this will change your bedroom decor and make it feel more like yours. And also, take attention away from those boring cream walls.

7. Artwork

Another easy solution to that “big blank wall” issue is artwork. Whether its your own work or even art you’ve purchased, adding admirable art will instantly lift the feel of your room. DIY Artwork is also an option for those who aren’t a fan of art, simply hanging a graphic quilt over the wall will cover that huge blank space, and pull other bedroom decor together. We think this is a great option when it comes to bedroom decor ideas!

8. Photographs

It’s hard being away from home in a room that doesn’t quite feel like yours, so fill it with photographs for that little bit of home. This simple bedroom decor can make you feel more comfortable in your new bedroom and there’s so many different ways that you can show your pics. Whether you put them in a frame next to your bed or desk or make a collage to fill your wall, this is a simple way to brighten up your boring room.


9. Fairy Lights

Fairy lights are a classic way to make a boring room more cosy and bright. You can place them just about anywhere to make a statement and suit any colour scheme you want. Place them around your walls to take the limelight away from dull colours, or around photographs and shelves to highlight your favourite parts of the room.

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10. Candles

Candles are a classy addition to any bedroom and are a super cheap decor idea. Coming in a range of colours to suit you and gorgeous scents, candles are a safe bet when it comes to brightening up a boring bedroom.


11. Lightshade

Most halls will be filled with those papier-mâché type light shades that are just horrendous and usually broke. Fix this mess by adding a simple yet effective shade of your choice, and if you want to make a statement and add coloured lighting to your room, get a bold and brave shade to pull this off. This is a super bold option for bedroom decor ideas!

12. Floral Arrangements

If your looking into bohemian looks, or want to cater a classy and sophisticated theme, floral arrangements are the perfect addition to brighten a boring halls room. Cater for the seasons or fill your room with your favourite florals for a stunning addition.

Turn your dorm from dingy to dazzling and enjoy your university experience with our bedroom decor ideas! Which ones did you like the best? Let us know in the comments below!

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