12 Beautiful Plants To Own In Your Flat

Beautiful plants not only purify the air in your indoor space and perfectly complement your private surrounding but more importantly, they have a positive impact on your mental state and overall mental wellbeing. The lack of natural light or restricted in size space might also discourage you from getting a plant you’ve always wanted to get your hands on. However, don’t you fear and don’t you worry – we’ve come up with a list of 12 beautiful plants that will set you in the mood for a healthy life with plants. Here’s a list of great alternatives that will survive most unfavorable housing conditions and keep you going!
1. Iron Plant
If you’re wondering what the most durable indoor plant would be, don’t bother anymore – we have the answer! The iron plant tolerates low light and poor soil too – and if you forget to water your beautiful plants, this one surely will not mind! The deep color of Iron plant’s leaves are very magnetic and hypnotizing!
2. Cactus
They vary in size, which means that you won’t have any difficulty in finding your ideal cactus – from the tiniest to the biggest ones! Cactus is very easy to maintain! Ideally, they should be kept in a sunny area but not directly in sunlight.
3. Chinese Evergreen
The Chinese Evergreen doesn’t fear any humidity, it can be kept in either low or high and can survive in low-light indoor areas as well. Artificial light works well for it too. It is also known as the Cutlass Aglaonema and it wonderfully livens up your house space.
4. Snake Plant
This plant can thrive in any environment! Make sure the soil is dry before watering and pay close attention not to water the plant. Fun fact about Snak Plant: it is one of a very limited number of plants that gives off oxygen at night – most plants do not! It also filters many toxic substances from the air.
5. Lucky Bamboo
Have as many beautiful plants in your apartment as you can possibly fit – they will make your life better! lucky Bamboo is one of my personal favorites that lightens up untouched spaces and simply looks outstanding. It is best when kept in indirect sunlight. Ensure you grow the plant in water and change it every few hours!
6. Monstera Deliciosa
A wonderful plant that speaks for itself. Monstera Deliciosa can handle delicate direct sunlight, however, it is advised to keep the plant in a light room, not directly in sunlight. Water the plant thoroughly and make sure that the top part of the soil is completely dry before watering the plant again.
7. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a wonderful plant in many ways since it gives indoor spaces a new life and can be used for home spa and remedies too. It works well on scrapes and burns, giving you instant relief. Water regularly! It loves humidity – keep it in your bathroom!
8. Areca Palm
Areca Palm isn’t difficult to handle but it will get mad at you if you don’t treat it right! The soil must be kept slightly moist during the seasons of summer and spring so remember about frequent waterings. However, let it completely dry in winter and autumn. Give it a boost and fertilize the plant in spring!
9. Bird Of Paradise
This plant will bring an exotic vibe to your room! The Bird of Paradise is a tropical plant, which doesn’t tolerate cold temperatures and that is why it is vital to keep it warm in winter! The plant itself dislikes when the roots are wet so make sure the soil is completely dry before watering.
10. Gardenia
It lusts for moist and well-drained acidic soil to keep it healthy and blooming! Gardenia grows best when kept in sunlight in the morning and shaded in the afternoon. In colder areas, this plant should be stored in full sun to allow it to grow healthy and strong!
11. Boston Fern
One of the latest Instagram trend in a beautiful plants’ world! Ferns partially tolerate sunlight, however, best to keep them in shade. Boston Fern will give your flat a tropical look, especially when placed on high shelves and not down below. And most importantly, it is considered to be one of the most effective plants for clearing the air and removing pollutants.
12. Weeping Fig
Weeping Fig must be planted in well-draining soil and watered only when the top few inches of soil are completely dry. Fertilizing this houseplant is essential, but only during the growing season. Avoid dry heat ad sudden changes in temperature – it doesn’t like it as much!