10 Back Workouts To Keep You In Shape

These back workouts are going to help improve your back and keep you in shape! Here are our favorite back exercises for you to try!

Back problems are one of the most common problems we face today. Yet there are so many ways to fix this, particularly with regular exercise. Whether you want to get rid of back pain or just want a toned looking back, here are ten back workouts for you to try.

1. 10 minute Intense Burn Back Fat-Emi Wong

If you’re looking to get rid any excess fat off your back, this is a great back workout to try. You don’t need any equipment. You can do this all from home in ten minutes. This is a great way to keep in shape and try some cardio too.

2. Stretches for Back Pain Relief-PsycheTruth

Back workouts are so important to do and is a common problem for many people. If you struggle with back pain, then why not try this video. Plus, this workout involves yoga which is great if you need an excuse to stretch.


3. 7 Minute Core and Low Back Strengthening Workout to Get rid of Back Pain-Runtastic Fitness

If you struggle with back problems, this is another great video to try. Not only will this help you strengthen your back, this will also strengthen your core too. Its another great video for you to try at home if you don’t want to go the gym.


4. Yoga for Hips and Lower Back Release-Yoga with Adriene

If you prefer doing yoga over cardio, this back workout is a great video to try. This video targets the hips and lower back so if this is the main area that bugs you or just want to strengthen these muscles, this is one of the best back workouts to try.


5. Toning Back Workout-Whitney Simmons

This is a great back workout to try if you want to tone up your back. You’ll need to do this workout in the gym but its such a quick and great workout to try to improve your back.

6. POP Pilates: Back Attack-Blogilates

Pilates is a brilliant exercise for toning and improving your back muscles and this back workout is no exception. These moves are designed to tone your back all from the comforts of your home so try it out when you get the chance.

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7. Quick Burn Standing Back Workout!-Blogilates

Cassey Ho is a brilliant fitness instructor and has done so many workout videos. This back workout is done standing up. It’s a quick but intense workout which will not only help you improve your back but make you feel more confident too!

8. Toning Lower Back Workout Routine-FitnessBlender

If you just want to focus on toning your lower back, this is a great back workout to try. This workout is only eight minutes long but its a great one to try at home if you don’t want to go to the gym.

9. IFBB Pro Jessie Hilgenberg’s Strong Back Workout-BodyBuilding

This is a brilliant workout to do at the gym and is perfect if you want to do some cardio to help you get a toned and healthy back.


10. Yoga for Your Back-Boho Beautiful

This is a great and gentle workout to try. Its great if you struggle with any back pain and helps you not only ease your back pain, but help you tone up your back too.

Whether you want some help toning your back, or just want to do some simple stretches to ease you back pain, why not try one of these back workouts? Are there any back workouts that you love doing but are missing from the list, comment below.
Featured image source: https://weheartit.com/entry/255941046